Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 40

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Fifteen inembers of the North Shiore auxiliary of.the Chicago Maternity center, comiprising .a new social .comtnittee just organized 1for the'.coming, year, met last week at the home.'of their. chairnian, 'Mrs. Benjamin Larrabee, in Evanston, to begin, discussion of the season 's ,activ1ties« They .gave their attentio!u first to plans for the auxiliary's open ing meeting, a luncheon tobe heid Tuesday, September'22, at the, Saddiec and Cycle club, and discussed preliminary details for their major fait benefit venture. Several possible projec ts are being considerd t rise fundsl for the aux-. iliary's work i supporting the Maternity ceinter, but the nature of the affair, the date and place ,are yet to be decided, Mrs. John R. Merrimn and her finance committe e will cooperate with Mrs. Larrabee's social committee i arranging the project. just entered upon her two-year terni of office, will give an, address, and since this first meeting will be recippresidents, of rocity day, the -visiting. 11 the Tenth district w bie guésts.' TIhe programi will bc: presented by' Mrs., Harry L. Barke.r, programn chairman, -who will introduce M rs. Chartes Broad, dramatic teacher at the Maliinckrodt High schooi, a reader welf knowni to the north shore. Past presidents of the club. will. be hostesses that day, Mrs. Harry >L. Barker, Mrs. George Beaudin, Mrs.: Frank X. Thale, Mrs. Arthur. Boyiston, Mrs. Frank. Oelerich,, Mrs. Charles Barton, Mrs. Walter Bailard, Mirs,. Wendeliri P, Seng, Mrs. Josep1h Kirchberg, Mathew Francia PhdtO Verhalen, Mrs. Edward P. J. Cunneen. Mrs. and Mrs. Charles, B r o a d, drcsmatic radrer and teacher, 4,aes4ee* ahked to pive the *irst program for the year of the Woman's Catholic Club itconveiies. .riof Wiltirelfe zwhenif day, September 25. The day is presideis daY aend reciprocity da. Heuds Neighbors, tunity to become charter -members Mf the new league,. which wili function for the purpose of. providinig :financial support and voluntéeer service.,for a settiement in the heart of the Chicago ghetto. Newberry center ,wasestablished just six years a go. The work' was described at last week's tea by1 Arlington A. Smith, head resident of' the center, wvho explined, tç the league's prospective lejng inembers the type of service, rendered at the settiemetit. 1 place amnong the philafltfropl groups of the north shore witi the holding of an inaugural teâ Friday for the newly estahlished Newb)erry.Center*league at the home Of the. charter president, Mrs. Harold, O. Barnes of 98, Indian. Hilli road. Ail, guests were, given an oppor- * Among the committee members whoniM Mvrs. Larrabee invited to tea were ýMrs. Leiand Johnson, a director-at- large etoitD who will sec..rve as co-chairman of thé'enFl Dvsions iMeetings Mrs. Barnies will bring to her~ position as first president of the new~ league previous experience as a meiiiber of the junior board of the Evanston Infant Welfare, the Winnetka board of the Northwestern settiernent and the board of the Lake Bluff Orphange. Assisting her at the.tea wverë thie. are Mrs. Arthur Moulding, Mrs. Stanley Uilrick, Mrs. Hubert Downey, Mrs. W,. W. McIllwain, Mrs. C. J. Odenweller, Jr., Mrs. Arthur King, Mrs. William C. Delaney, Mrs. Roger Sherman, Mrs. Fred Pioger, Mrs., Ralph Huck, Mrs. Chafles W. Schoffstail, Mrs. Paul Jester and Mrs. J. A. Mohr. Mrs., Kenneth L. Wilson, who is Other members of the committee met Tuesday, at thie home of iMirs. Richard W. Hickmaîi, 1322 Greecuwood avenue. Division IV Will have an aII-day mneeting next Monday at the home' of Mrs. Albert J. Nystrom, 714 Central aeu.Members will mieet at 10:30 o'clock and juncheon wîll.be served. Division I will hoid its first regular meeting, Thursday, September- 24, worth, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. T. I. McKnight of Evanston, treasurer; Mrs. Gene Heywood of Evanston, hospitality chairman; Mrs.. Herbert Ewing of Evanston, social, service. chairnian, and Mrs. Leonard Wilson, p blicity chairman . Ann Kuper WiiI For Sorority Mothers prugram wuî cerning life at the center illustiJ ber talk. Reservations close at 'Mondayi Septemrber 21. DC giveil, MV than flot ,later ber, the,,date to be aninounced later. today (Thursday)., ber 26. [4, avenue, wiil be hostess to the Illinois, chapter of the Mother's club of Alpha W. Withrow, is neginning in preparaPhi sorority at luncheon at her homne Octolions for a party to be given Mrs. B3. G. Calloway, 920 Linden

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