Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 38

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Tea WiIi Open Cuild Program. ,A-style show, wth dresses: by Blooni-Hal aànd bats byMcMý.ahon,, will be1 a feature of the tea wvhich -the Womn' s, guiild of, the First Congregational church - ill, give on ,Frday,. Sepitember 18, from 3 toe 4:Ôo'clock ithe afternon ini Pilgrim ball at the churceh. This will be the opening meeting of the guild, of which. Mrs.. C.- L, DJarling is President. Theé entertainmlent was, plaiÎned. at a tea:given ;Tbursday, Séptember_3, by*Mrs. ljloward Miller, social chairman cf the guild, at ber home, 1001 Greenleaf avenue, for the memhers of ber committee. The niembers, chosen from the seven circles of the guild, include: Central circiè,: Mrs. May Saville; Cozy Corner circle, Mrs. Hold Knollwood Party A group cf about fifteen Kenilworth and Winnetka couples made up a Dutch treat party last Saturday evening. for the style show and dance at Knçllwood Country club.. Amonig those'inthe. party ,vere. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Clovis, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Ketchamr, Mr..mand Mrs. Ward Starrett, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Clark, Mr. and ýMrs. Cbarlçs, Driver, Herbert Bart-. ling, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bulley, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ellis, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Starr, Mr. and*Mrs. Harold Tideman, Mr. and Mrs Whipffe lacobs, Mr. and .Mrs. Landon berger, Mr. and Mrs John. 1Bensel rc. and Mr. anid, Mrs. Clayton Bu for Economy Shop Is September 30 Once.,a year one large social' ,event is sponisored, in the village. for the I)efefit of the Economy shop, aprojeéct of the Woman's Club of, Wilmette ýwhich has vil-. iagewide' interest and support. Wednesday, September 30j, is the 'day chosen for. this faIl's l)artY, whit W is t'O be .a. de.ssert bridge and fashionshow%% atthe clubhouse. 2:0 ô'lock, te be follw'ed bv rs a fashien show. arrangertbv IridIge. then and Mannerud. John C. Mrs. Charles F. Kremner is .airman cf the Economy shp. vith Mrs. L. 'A. Fitz, co-chairm.-an. M'rs. 1Earl Low, secrete-rv, and -Nir& . arl Orner, treasurer. Mrs. 1. Robert McCure is clairMNrs. Howardl manî f the party. Miller is in cchargýe of tickets, MIrs . Walter Gough, reservations. and Mr'ý. A. L. Grinnell. .Mrs. A. E. eet-m Mrs. Henry Cier are in ccharge 0ot food, flowcrs. and tables.,epciCY Prceeds derived fromn flic whicli an active comimittee hopes to make verv~ successful, will aid Ecotintnv ,hQv in carrving on its work t Vistoi~. RoiS land avemie, is presidenit of the the First CongreWoman's giild PIo is sponsorieg which church gational a tea and style shoui in Pilgriirn hall of flic chu rch Friday afternoon of this week f ront 33ziitii 4:30 o'clock. This 'li bc the opcning fali mec ting of the guild. . .Underwood and Underwood Photo Mfrs. C. L. Darling, 1538 High- Emblem from Japain Hubert . Carleton 0 f 1103 St over Forest avenue hadc as bier guee McKinm, the week-end Mrs. John1 Mrs. Frank Adams and Mrs. William Richardson, East End circle, Mrs. Earl Johnson: Crescent circle, Mrs. W. Frank McClure; Neighborbood circle, Mrs. doyt King; North End circle,. M¶rs. Waittr T. Mauglian; 'Northwest circle, Mrs. Frank LaBonte and Mrs. CnnadT. Prvkmnan. widow cf the late Bishop cf nTokyo, who died a few montbs ago i Hon asholulu. Mrs. McKim brougbt t]the bis at d interrei be to Bisbop the es cf .,SePod serinary, Nashotah, W15 teniher 12. On ber day cf arrivai receeved gr Mrs. Josiali A. Pancoast, Mrs. Charles A. Eidridge, Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, and Mrs. Henry Pope. In the receiving lne. will be Mrs. john G. Hindley, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. H. S. Davidson, Mrs. F. A. Cushing Smiith, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Gale Brooks, Mrs. Myion H. West,. Mrs. W. F. Ayer, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, Mrs. F. H. Guy, Mrs. C. A. Carpenter, and Mrs. H. R. Smith. Speak ai Garden Cenler awarded te the Bi5 received A widely varied group cf subjects bis death, but. was ,iot. week. last Shore tiI will be. discussed in tbe Nortb Garden ,center's progranis for the month of October. The Raviniia Gardent club lias scheduled the first two prcgramis, and the North Shore Pians Style Show: Garden club is arranging tilks for tbe last two Tuesdays cf the mconth., ..Mexican Garden s" will be the sub- pire. - just I[hi sbefc wre va shcp iu i-,~ tlier residents of the village Wbhe give te it articles fer -whicb. they ne longer have need. Many peeple meoving fronm oe e ouse te anether, ene place te anether, find it a life-saver as a depesitery for things tbey caîî net take with tbem. SOut-grewn clething er clething. ne members and ddls .and many kincs 1 t. source cf endis supplyoet: cernes from Club :1lenger ject of. the talk Dudley Crafts Wat-- MIshop that it may fulfill tbe needs of needed. is. sent te Econenw'n Kerr, Brereton, Mrs. Hai y Willis, ues E. D. Oberg, Mrs. Ja( Mrs. John Dienbart. Pnsfor a busy year are being mnade. Mrs. .A. of in bis B. A. and 1. western univers cf Sigma Delta AeIrts, ai ýrees at North- le is a member fraternity. nceud, who .wil.l be ini charge of the fashion show given itcoii junctioii 7vitk a dessert bridge.>on September 30, as the annual bene fit for the Econroiny shop conducted under club auspices., . *Rading Circle Hostess to the Readjig circle at ber home, 915 Linden ayenue, Monday, Septemi- Mrs. A. J. Çoburn will be bestess ber 21, at, 1 o'clock.j

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