In order to give the youing men interested ini an appointuient to the .Acad.eny equal opnortunîty to quali- Examiaton October 17' fy,. Mr. Church has announced that a. conipetitive examiniation of ail cati--didates: will libe held under the. auspices of the Civil Service commission on1 l Saturday, Oc tober 17.' He h arranged' with theý Commission for the eXamination tc> lie held in. evervI citv.-in the lOth Congýreqs!*ial district where., the Board of United States local, secretary. as foIlôo's: Antioch. Barrî,ngton. C hicauýo. F.vans.ton,' Glencoe.ý Gravslake. Highwood; 14ake Forest. Lihertyville,. North, Chicago. XVaukega, Wilmettc. XVinnêitka, anid candidates miust lie 'actutal residents Of the lOth D-istrict. be;tweecn the azes of 16 and 20 on April 1. 1937, -of ,sound r.hysical healhadgomrl character. Ihaî odmrl, MutMake Appication IIA I a a Letters of application to take' thle competitive, examination should be addressed to Congressman Ralph E. Church at either 10 South LaSalle stteet, Chicago; -or Flouse of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Ther candidate should designate where it ivould lie most convenient for hini1 to take the èxarnination. Letters of application must be postmarked before 'midnight September 26. Church recentIv -announced ant examinàtion for West Point candidates.. Notice of the An-' impolis resignation was received by ltimn this week, and arrangement-s have been made for exarraination of *Annapolis candidates at the sanie lime. -Conigressmati fi SELL HOME \Ir. and Mrs. Theo C,~ Kniep have soIld their bouse at 410 Maple avenue, Wilmette, -an4arelîiving at theq Oak Crest in -t vanston temiporarily until they move into an apartment in south Evainston about October 1. Mius Ruth Kniep is -visiting ýMis Betty Sunderland of 1285 Asbury avenue, Winnetka, this week and wili *be with MisCharlotte Hjamilton of 430 Woodstock, avenue, Kenilworth, next week. - - .ner The first of a 5eries~ of Weekly di*~ of the Knox~ College'-Almnae was btld, in the Bismarck ri f92 hotél, __ _ ThÈirsday Miss- Na evening'Spebr10 rew avienueo W tei ior n hre s of teek Mrdinlysn a rrwivedi tose plate - Ostro ofNwTiee wbe ich took Place on Wednesday. Mrs. George E. Shipman returned to ber. home, 432 Warwick road, Keni.lworth Thursday of last week after1 a summner spenit at Wabaningo, Mic.