legiso'clocic in the morning and continuinig thtrough the day, with a special pqutlltp> k' iii isiiini58 5 ien~au children's and relatives. While it was a legal states set the first Monday in Sep- Mrs. Avis service to be conducted by Claxnitz Shulman at 1:15 holiday, dedicated to the American tember apart as a public holiday dedin the afternoon. worker and observed in every state icated to labor.. Three years later Yom Kipr the Da y of Atonein the Union, I icannot -but feel. we President Samuel Go!!pers of the bave allowed it to pass. without fui! Ameri.eàn Federation: of Labor. rec- ment, will be observed by Jews from ré ogntih being given1 to its emfmended at the- organization's con-, sun-down Friday, September 25, to vention thatconcer 'ted effort be made sun-down of the following, day. On economffic and civic significance. to have 'ail the states enact- simnila:r tbis day the.mostsolemn and sacred, of- the. Jewish caLeéndar, observant. of G<LENCOIR.has Jews Labor Day as a puiblic holiday, was laws. will abstain from food and drink On june 23, 1894, the Congress of first -mnceived by Peter J. MeGu;ire, and spend tbe.hours in the the UJnited synagog ue States. accorded Labor of. New York,- who is one- of the Day officiai recognition. It passed praying and asking divine forgiveness pioneer trade-unionists.ý. On Tus sins committed during the year. au unusual seleoion day, September, 5, 188Z, the first an Act makin g the first. Monday in for Yom Kippur, or Atonemenit Day, Septeinber of each year a legal ýholiand n gowne[abor Day celebration was beld 'in day in the District brings to a close the. ten days of of hats udg of Columbia and ew, York* City under the auspices the Territories., Such: recognition on penitenice which began with the Newý for dinner and formal -of the Centrali Labor Union. -IJn the ,the part of Congress gave' impetus Year. On, this occasion given over to words of Mr. McGuire, its purpose to the movement,, and in 1923, -. the serlous. meditation and, repentance, Wear wstiymoie" hidustrial forty-eighth state, Wyoming, felU in- the beautiful, traditioinal music of1 the spirit-the great, vital force of every Ko! Nidre is, heard at the beginîning te line. whieh wlI, inteest you. nation." of the evening service. .On Day public recognition "éThis given Labor is reads an te that awoup of Amian fntI .iday," nmc, for 'the purpose of focusing pub- citizens referred to in announçethe Bible who are lic attention on the importance of of -the nation:' trufy the vital force as the Sabbath of Sabbaths." Celebratioms, When 657VEmNoN VENUE labor. parades, was soon. copied, in the in- picnics, and demonstrations are empty the 'temple- stili stood in Jerusalem, unless the occasion causes one to re- special sacrifices were offered to God. fiect upon the burdens,. difficulties, re- In those days the high priest recited sponsibilities and rights of the work- a confession of the sins of the niaingman. In tinies of adversity it is tion, a cerernony wbich filled the this group who experience the great- worshippers witb awe. To the sound est hardships and suffering, and in of the trumpet the people prostrated tirnes of prosperity it is' this group themselves as the priest asked God's mercy and forgiveness for the people. "The outward forni of observancep -adaptations AUTUMN IP genius at the disposa! of the small na ai resouresnour national J,,', needs, to secure the necessities and comforts of if e, national economnic progress depends. The workiugmnan is jealous of his personal rights an,' liberties in a free deniocratic sociely. He is con- wage earner. The industrial worker and the farmers compose the great. bulk of our cOusuming population. Upon their ability to satisfy their mugy tresses the uecessity for 7 s "3ý elf-searching and repentance. Wý'itlh the close of the day those who he payed earnestly and have sicerely asked forgiveness may feel themsel.ves cleansed from sin that they may begin the New Year anew inpurity. "During the service of the Day of Atonement an hour is set aside in renlembrance of those *who have passed tQ their eternal reward. This, tender memorial adds to the solemn- LCIHICAGOL NortirIlWEsirERN RY.] which be denied certain the humblest wIlvl V4 cannot guaranteof rights worker by any mnan. SRcfresihmients will be a feature, atd will be served continuousîy.