Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 28

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REAL ESTATE LOANS Have funds to boafn oucbIlice North Shore residential anüd busi-9 ness prop erties at reasonable -rates. lea. ]La Salle st. EL G. Pomli ag & C o. Chicago Fraukin 7740 F IRST MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest prevaillng rates for re-, organization, monthly »ayrnent, semi-ajrnual, straight and FIlA loanson,, *ide*çe, aPartoient aI1, business proîiertles. * roker Co-o>eration Solicited N. Comission For. Loams Thâ# Quolify increased wages WUULU was gîve hers. you n0 untïl the and shortened nave hours at regular in- place So peace our fashions in and the archltects and, con- houses must change before the new tractors have offset these increased fabricated places are acceptable in costs by using labor saving devices our community. In a developmnent and factory products. Thus the old for factory workers' where a great brick Wall basement bas given way many small bouses are built at once, tosoid oncete ric wals avetheide my be more practical for the been _replaced by veneer,; Wood. latb simple reason that the, tenanits ,have 4Y- metal, and, composition; Wood no 1choice. casements by steel;. hardwood floors 1ne:Te oTFle rdr ,h,ùb tr by concrete; 'Wood shingles by com-, position, etc. I1tbas been a losing i liI the nmea4time theire bhas be,en battie for the niechanics. W hile the going on ulnder our very, noses, a . well. be; wages per hour bave increased many development *W-hich migbit *fold, the actual working time per year the foundations'for mass production raior eertPheat greatly, lessenled and the number o oes a1 The first onswr roduced in the of ,hse, mçechanics necessary to build is rcduced bypras 50Ue back 'yard. by father in' préparation cetoutomoile ets . fror the annual familv outing. Rý A t-tubli StiýExmpe finements bave been, added, as tie, the ed And Exapl et uig idea took bold and now several large -tervals -is Jorganîzation bvvvu-ruu in Li 'rei from v:uenc lot 100x145 purcbased Stateon Bank and Trust company, as trustee, by M. K. Hunt of the' law firm of Kirkland, Fleming,, Green and Martin. W. A. Sadier was tbe broker. Wele 123 aeneEv nn Six-room bouse purchased from State B3ank, and Trust company, as trustee, by> E. H. Schieiieman. H. L. Huita a the broker. a a Nortbwest corner of Thayer streef, and Highland avenue, Evanston; purchased by Fred Johnson -contractor, wbo is building a7 room, 2 bath .A brick bouseý on the property. Sadierwas the salesman.' .-Skokie Uane,. Glenicoe;1 Residenice, lot 62x140, purchased by P. H. Larrabee of thé. oter rstcm pany from ,the State Bank and Trust company, as trustee.ý W. A. Sadler was, the salesman., Residenàce vacant in Edgebrook Manor, sold to A. Nystrom by A.M Steelh'ammé r. H. Lflultman was the salesman. 2031 Hawthorn Lanie. Seven roomu brick residence purchased by C. E., Wendnagel of the WVendnagel Construction cominany. W. A. Sadier was the salesman. 2617 Reese avenue, Evanston; Sixc room brick bungalow sold to W. 1). Roper by Mrs. N. E. Brannan. Edward H. Wallace co-operated with H. L utnni h ae INTEREST AT LOWEST COST; GEORGE T. 4%i the depression years and most1 especially, during the' last ten years Mucb tbought bas been given to the mnass production of homes. Nýecessity for off settitg' cotflnued itifrease in costs was the incentive. The automnobile,' wbicb evolved' from the old horse and buggy, was the shining example to be followed. By mass production, the automo-. hile bas been able to show constant improvement at lower cost. Wby could not the same plan be set up for the manufacture of homes? Luniber companies made a beginning by offering so-callIed "ready-cut compallies are turning out mass production, outfits comnplete witb electric lights, in-a-dor beds, sink, stove,. radio and other home' comforts. T'he ost, $506 and uip, compares witb $5,000 for our smallest cottages. Isii't it Possible that mass production might produce additional rooms to be added to this central unit? Compare the present stream-liiecl automobile witb the first jobspo duced by Haynes and Ford, anld trvto imagine what the auto trailer oft tbirty years hence wilI look like. Air coiditioped ?-SureIy.-Perhaps with second floors (like our busses'yt > ,,,.. ~N~llg' igydifficult to set thern up at a cao be taken for a ride. Steel Compauies ln Field Various steel companies are now mauairriuai increas- 9gOon ? In that -case the' reaor al Amtorn, Fns r Fnd uthe field 'and niost everyone is: S PEAK IN SALES familiar with the designs and specifications which they offer. The price Sart & Galee, Inc., Reports 400 seems cheap. enough though the Per Cent Increase in Dollar Voldlaims made for theni in the way of', urne Over Year Ago up-keep costs; attractiveness an1 convenience bave vet to be proven.1 Smart and Golee, mc., report an. The architectural .designs are qute al time Peak in s es, forîculaly, x rsin in Bath, Kitchen' Foreniost in expression of Amenicati art combining 'progressive utilit*y chens and bath tubs, according to art authorities. Bath tub manufacturerspriual refrnad ae farin.1dance and real beauty are the modern kit- Our Adverisers ea by Jo: Miss' L wroad, Evanston. :residence. Purix from Lynn Rustewart of Hokan- when cmr kitcbens, wlth 1 u x u r y lent and beautiful designs, have drudgery, into pleasàe

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