Sec the. new hand knit fashions, and hear -M i s s Ma rgaret Hùbbard of the Fleisher Co. d i s c u s s the,,yls 1,a t e, s t styles! Théy'r-e really lovely-and so easy to inake! Choose. the suit or dress you want to make, check-it on the prograM, and choose youjr Fleisher Yarns riglit after the show. Our' instructress will help you with anvtliing yoiu ('hoose. Please note our for its smartness We have only sketched tWo of the many lovely Special Business .and.Pro-" fessional Women's Shogo Saturday evening. -Second Floor, West Rooin AND GOES Up TO MEIR MULES $16.,5 liq(~ fb4 SEPTEMBE R 17, 1936