SD VER TISERS Each advertisement of the series, which is. sponsored by Spanish Court Properties, '122 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, deals with the story of one of the businesses in Sp>anish Court. The series of advertis'ementswi!l1 be of each business in detail .and as point out that its Spanish' Court location and accompanying advantages have contributed.,to its ýsuccess. It is pointed. out that the location of Spanish. Court, just off Sheridan roai -(inthe aIrea between Wilmette and. Kenilwortb), makes access to its' shops -easy fromn .both north ýanci Tequiet atmosphere. of Spanish Court is also emnphasized for care fui, thoughtfui shopping. 0f unusual importance are the parking facilities in this area. It is almost always possible to park in Spanish Court dir'ectly in front of any desired sbop. The series of advertisemnents will be of interest to every north shore resident. They outline very definitely the policies and services of eacb individual business in Spanish Court and it is hopeci they wilI. induce people to visit Spanish Court very often andi make it their preferred shoppning center. vit S. Because il feels an o.bligationta ontnoy xlr and demonstrate new and worth whule developments lu the use pi eecriity ~wIe, forpersoalor.pujic th i Public Service Company of Northern Minois has undertaken a rnew anud unusual installation of highway lighting., extending for about a mile on Skokie Highway, south of Dundee Road in NorthbroolcIllhinis. This lighting, installed by the. Public Servic e Company of Nortiern Illinois in cooperation with the. Village of Northibrook as of Realty Proiierty! By A. H. Witzleben Jr. (Witzleben Realty Company) Some of our best informeci mincis tell us that "inflation is inevitabie." That being the forcast for the future tesafest place for one's moniey is in stocks, commodities or real estate. Ail three of these classes' have had a sizable advance. It is more- than under the. auspices of THE CQUCAGO SAFETY COUNCIL Although much good la being derived frozu the attention given to thie appM.v gtoil o a alities resulting from meer rthe aemand. AIl theseý factors, and many more, regarciless of. inflation, make it inevitable that real estate will be one of the prime inveàtment classi fications. for one's investment funds.