Mrs. F. R. Kiiner, 430 Sheridan raad, Keniiworth, and bher daughter, oaarrived home Saturda.y from, abroad :where. they spent the past nirie weeks. They traveted in%Switzeriand, Germany, the Netherlands and Franceon, the continent, but de-' voted, the major part' faiieir time ta mataring in, Englanhd and Scotland and visiting relatives aif Mr. Kiiner there. Saiiing for home anthe Tuscania, tbey were- detayed. three days outside Boston barbor by the same. fog which càused the sinking ai a coast-wise steamr iast ee. -joan arrived home in tinie to enter ber fresbman year at New Trier Higb school. Frederic Kituer spent the sunime r at Camp Kooch-a-Cbing, HOW . .. where he was visited for a time by Let. us see how a tighthouse is made his father and bis brother, Richard. ta tell its story. First af ail its geagraphical position an the face of the HEADED FOR COAST earth must be precisely deterniined. Early Monday, morning the police Second the lighthouse must be identidepartment was advised that Lance fied in same way bath by day and Huit, 16, aif 1769 Washington avenue, night. For purposes, of identification by and Charles Beck, 1775 Washington day ighthouses may vary in calor avenu~e, ,had disappeared f rom their and typé of structure. Far example a bornes on Sunday. Later Monday the lighthouse may be bu;lt entirely af parenlts received cards froin the boys, red brick, ar white brick, or, again, dated at Omaha, Nebr., indicating may be banded alternateiy with red that they were headed for the West and white. Intead of being bu ilttaf Coast. Wi!mette police wired the bricks it may ýbe built of open work Onmaha police department ta hoid the structural steel which might be boys, but they had already departed on a bus. painted any color. At night the light in the lighthouse HITS PARKED CAR * rmay be greatly varied also. It may Wëdnesday of tast week Jamt ,Mcbe white, green ar red. Whatever Airaith, 16 years aid, 1629 Hii color it is it may stiti be varied in the way the light is shown. It may burn ý avenue, driving an automobilei SIGNPOSTS Sloze-Dangerou.i Curve. Onezûay Bridge.. Podunk 6 Miles. To the average person the above expressions -are cmrno.nplace,. He sees- themf wherever hie may drive. Tersely the'y.teIl their staries and the road markers bearîng them have becorne an invaluabte aid ta the motorists The sea too bas its. road markérs and signposts. These are less familiar ta the - andsman but hie knows in a gefral otofwythat ightliouses and buoys serve ta guide the mariner. Pie is nlot just -certain baw they do sa, oweer.It is the business of ail seigmen ta be able ta read and interpret the nmessages odb h ariaus lighthouses: and' buoys. This knawledge. is also required of sea scouts if they are ta advance in rank. The weekly cruis e meetings offer an excelent opportunity for them ta Tfamiliarize themsetves. with these signpasts of the sea. wil! be between twa and three. -. P. Maas. Ke nilworth Voya gers àon Ship Delayed by Fog mette nave been asicecita serve as .~e.1Iau1.0.'ed Perotti, brother of , is ta be the best tebrdro man, and Pat'Peraotti. and Meivin Egfeldt oai Chicaga wili usher'. AMong the parties given for the bride was a misceilaneous sho.wer at wh ich Miss Helen . Hermes oai Wiimette was-bostess. Mr'S.,Ned Perotti, ai Chicago entertained at, a miscellaneous shower, and aiso the bride's aunt, Mrs. A. W. Keil af Wilmette., Mrs. ErniestChapin of Evanston.gave a dinner party, and Miss Margaret Nanzig was hostess at. a dinner party and handkerchief shower. GUEST'0F 1FRATERNITY. Alfred George Groh, son. ai Mr. and Mrs. George V. Grob, 124 .Fourth Street, bas been the guest of Lambda Chi1 Àlpha. fiaternity Iaotse xduring the week ai rushing. He is entering Northwestern university this fait. Septembér 17, 18 and 19-"'Show Boat," far F. Septemiber 20, 21 and 22-"ýProfessional Soldier," -far F. September 23 and 24-"H'1umanCar-: go," for A. Comiîtuaity Hoam September 18, ànd,.19-"Early to Bed," forF., RESUMES: TEACHING Miss Bernice Vio le ai 114 Third street, who. bas been on the piano facul1ty of the American, conser vatory for the past twelve years, is res.uning her teaching there1 and also litre ini Minmette. - Uer mother, Mrs. Alfred. Viole, *ho, has been visiting lier re centty, -is returning ta bier' home in Lafayette, Ind., the end of the week. Mrs. Viole spent the suinmer in M.ontreaI, Can'ada, where she took the summer course ini French at 1é Gi university. 1 *Y .MEMU 1a .... Bleatty for You!l The Kind of Store You A sked Us for! S. K. JORJORIAN, (for the past. Il years at Lord's) announces the formai op.ening sale at their new store with a complete new stock of fine Oriental Rugs- and Carpets wluch he lias just purchased on his recent Evans@m In a later article it will be explained ho* sea scouts are instructed inthe, I.. '1