Autun Staff Photo A tview of flhe club bouse asS'ky fiarboir airport. If is on thiïs field, ideniified by ithis uuuibutiIding., that the air sofcatingi a numiber. of st tflyers, twill be hcldnc.rfnonth. Sky I1-arbor is Iocated wuest famnou$sh jListe roads. ofNorthbrook betwen Dundec awd Coufy BIRTHRDAY CELEBRATI ON- Reb el Ion Corn*pletely diflerent . f r o mn anything you've had before. An uprising crown; a stitched ,8and visor bram: -sftesete-+ Mr and Mrs..WilliamýKirby of 1240 Legion Auxiliary Will adPrySo H v lope for the ffibric. In blackc and brown. colony hatshop 1640 Orringion Ave. Evansion Central avenue, gave a party on Uii 4. imetelegion Auxifirst card party the. hold ill Wednesday, September 9. to celel)rate iarv. the sixteenthý birthday of their daugh- of thle l season Wednesday,. Sepýter, Josephine. Arnong the guests tember 23, at the Wilmette Masonic! %vere .r. and Mrs. George Bozec.tmpe Dessert wilI be served ai 1 :30 folMrs. hIle, and Èred Grooms, all of Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Fred lom-ed «by bridge play. Rounisful, Miss Ruth Rounsful, RegNlrs. R. W. Wilson of Kenilworth, Board Moves to Protect inald Rounisful of Golf, Mr. and Mirs. Village Pumping Station Normnaii Kirby of Hubbard Woods" who is chairman of the ways and' mneans commirittee 'of the unit, is being and Arthur Caplani of Wilmette. The Village board held its 'regular assisted by Mrs. J. Balcus of KenilNormani Deno. Mrs., session -Tuesdav evertjng. with but 'ý s. wortli, MNrs. \Valter S. Macxan. of 431 Robert 1½rester, Mrs. H. J. Hickey,ý a smnall grist of business to 1w put *through the mnill. The sewer and ýGreenl1eaf avenue plans to leave on Mirs. H. Kasbian, Mrs. Fred Ký'idd, iater commiittee %vas instruicted to Mrs. Winnetka. of Klein M. A. Mrs. a for Saturday %vith som-e friends of the Iocality imia mnake C. Leachi, Mrs. George- Leal, Mrs. Anediatelv survey week's miotor trip to Pittsburgh. surrtininhprthe orin Xfrs 1 i R ik______f________ iD. mieets .held in- the new pool. A special section of the pool bleachers wiII prèbably be reserved for spectators other titan students and the rest of the bleachers will be available to activities tic ket holders., Thirty, issues. of the New Trier News, a yeéar's sübscriptionl, and the. two seni-anniual issues, ofInigs student literary, magazine, are tI1e, publication s which an activities ticket subscriber réceives. Ià the fieId of dramlatics, «the ticket admits its purcliaser to the three studient l)lays 'produced during the year.. Besides::offerîing studeits tbe products of, extra-cuiirricular ïctivitiecs at a pric e roughly one-thîrd, of the collective admission value, the ticket- finatices ail thle activities mentioned and several, more. Ail other varsity .sports. and both the boys' 'and girls' iitraimutral prgrmsare supported, by the ticket. Activities which have na direct incomie, such as the. band .aIld the debate rganization, are also betiefitted it wvas added. »1 i *i. \ ilage i.ierk H-enry G>ardner 'Jutlines~ 1 1jMrs,. Miller, Nicniolas a Start e. Plans for Fali Campaigrïn tcTuesdy 1775 Wý, ashington avebeing the Slst arniver- r.Milrad ii Sportsmanshi.p, too!t AFTER-SCI-OOL, GROUPS, directed by accredited instructors offer happy and: healthy hours of play and com- Henry *A. Gardiuer, Republican 'muniiications werc read, amnong thein committeeman for New Trier townI- one front Bramai Bros. Oul comipanv. ship, was the speaker last W\edniesdayý evening, at a meeting of the Ten1th District Young Men's. club hield at Shawnviee Country club. He outlitied the plans for the establishmnent of h eadquarters for the fall campaign. asking the board to reconsider, its application for. a p)ermit to iinstaîl a gasoline filling station iii the rear of (MI Main street. The application hiad béen previouslv referred to the . zoiuin commission, filling stations niot Tenth Year a splasn party at bnawnee CountrY 1 nue. The Burcl ib Friday of last week in ceIebra- to St. Louis to Iconvention. n of ber sixteenth blirthday. 4tU Forest ave- are -en route 1a rmal estate