Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 11

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d l,, A -through mor-e than 4. ïncnes. Jiy Oaybreak Sunday many streets throughout the nours, became reci hot, and the tear village had become tenporary lakes, was that they wouId fail, even it flot the, water overflowing the curbs and covered With water. However, a repinundatinz the sideWalks.. Manholes resentative of the Worthington'Pump becanie ciog ed witb. leaves, and comh1pany,. with offices in- Chicago, twigs. retarding the flow. of water Iwhich instalied the machin es, appearito sewers. and, backing it. up -or ed at the station for -a Checekup', alid. eeaiblocksin sème'pacS. stated lb-at the heat wouid flot affect the efficiency of the ýengines: The Flo;oding r Causes'DanMage then was. that ýthe water A force of. Village., employýees was danger higher and higher. wouicj comm-.. put. to work t0o pen the manholes. risiiig pletely 'submerge the, machines and which served to admit such à a flood render. them uùsele ss. Fortunately, that the- sewer capacity Was over- however, lessening of the flow: and taxed, 'With the resuit that baselme -s the graduai gain of pumps over water. ail over the. village were fl.oodel.. sýome to the depth of two feet.: Manr preventeci this.f rom happening., Mr. and -Mr.. Shiley are. beingý of- the - Village emplovees worked Browniee highly commendeîd' by Village offiSaturday nighit and, ail day *and citizens for their devotion Sut.day., The stormn was. unaccor- ciais -to dut y in an emergency. Panied byv high wind or severeel' tricai distribuances, and the major dainage was due îô the floodinig ofi basernents,- where ou hburners aid other appliances were put out of of WPA Opens This Week commission. In the case of oil -hur- ýThe fail programn of, the aduit edutiers, it is said that any of these %%i1i eation division of the Works Progress have to be taken out, tested, and re- administrationi begins this week, it Pairecl as necessary. For this reas,ýoi %vas announced recently by Mrs. Florence Steile, supervisor of the f0o accurate estimate of the amoint oif damiage cani be made. Evanston WPA educationti program. There is no charge for these Canal Ruma. Backwards Quie interesting- resuit of the stormi classes, Mrs. Stelle said, and they are wvas the changi)g. of the. couirse Of open to ail pers-ons ovei- 16 years of lEspeciaIiy when. it cornes to drug - store products. Consider our antiseptie. Somne are spiendid for fresheuing, the breath. QUiters have .a remarkable power t9 stop sore, throat. Do you knowl which is, which? We do. Oir knowledge of ýdrugs and theirluss, 60 necessry in. our prescription departm2eût, enables us t1 séee héyod advertisi g daims and . fancy labels. Some things are a: matter> of tate.. otherà of knowledge. When it's the latteir, and you are a bit uncertain youll do well to let us help you. This *111 often save. you money, too., 3. B. Seylev -wRA 50c Tek.. SOc r@pyIoCfiC. Tootil Brushb *1 betw.eue Ban&"a PKG:: -Péean, Tof.. j39e Ault ducatiom Programn Uream39Dc New aime, 24-S. Toot. 39C 55c Pond's Creams . 39c * lurimr, the progre.ss, of thestoii the police departinent received 743 telephone calis, reportiing floodled .treets- aid basemenits. Pumping Station Tlreatened, The most îhreatening ituation 'de%eioped at the storm sewrer pumping ,ýtatiou on Lake avenue, at the North Shiore, tracks. The water, coming dowii froni, the Skokie, and with tio su-ficient outlet through the nnrth 1 îtr.i ir i i ue !.jrearners. , ne as..istant teacliiers, and seven staff meimbers. Registration headquarters are M() Davis strcet, Evaniston. raumoliVe bhaoMPO $1 lonkoro ....... IZ-oz.43C 5-1b. pkg. U _ 83c.__$2.49 GOES TO STANFORD Miss Jeanne- Cutier ieft the village. Monday for her freshman vear at Leland Stanford university. Her brother, John, returned 10o Dartmouth Puesday. for his iuîmir vear. $1.10 Wlldroot. ,H!'"89C 'ADEX 50eCaox Totl 9~ TABLETS PowileA 50 Ppsdet~%39c preparation of Hallbut and Cod iver 011e wlth Chidren in thse western part of Wilmette who attend thse LHigiscres:. and H-foward schools will bc taken to and froin classes this ju'ar in, the' modern, bus, shoztn;iab'ove, which has iiust beeii purchased by, the ' board of education. Staff Phot

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