M LYMAN-IRENNECKAR19 Y1ýOn Fridug *Suwrduy. Sept.16la 19 rebuit, restyled, redecorated -and restocked everything new but reput ation. and-- erv ic e! 0 We iinvite you to visit us on Friday or Saturday, September 18 and 19, when we formally make our bow with our newly rebuit, enlarged Lyman-Renneckar Pharmacy. We Want you to see wliat we helieve to be onie of the niost attractive and e-qnvelentIy arranged stores ini this area. OUR PRESCRIPTION departmnent lias.been eîilarged and our stock of drugs is very extensive. We await your doctor's orders ini this. . . the most important department of our business. OUR FOUNTAIN is already a poptilar place. It ils ideal for the children wheii they retuirn to school. Here you c(an eiiiov a fotintain dish that will tantalize your taste. REMEMBEII THE DATES of our formnai openig. . Friday.and Saturday, Septeinher 1and 19. Drop in and vîsit us. A heàrty weIcônie awaits ou Yu11enoyee high type of service and quality m-erchandisýe whieh 50. many residents have learned to expeet from Lymanloperated pharmacies. I E FW 19E I, G I L _À g. ~ToMe ~thoe T . 10 frirst 100Q visito).-son-both Fridua py gand _Satarday we ore Io, y.i o o e early and be anmong reeipe thém. o*4r other WMn<etI< 444, Vii A i»#AitmAtI, 0 LidenAv. Mr 4 ,7 - ~g ~ g f~~ g ~g.7 SEPTEMB.ER '17, 1936,