cent acquishi~ins FICTION Mfr. tùnfg- Bishop-Altar,xf .the 'Legion. Chgmberan-Uflder Pressure. ('orbett-Mrsý. Meigs and SImop 521 Pari Dr. 532 Kenl. 35i Keni. _____________-Mann-Stories, S1mlash., Ftèh-At Good Old Fear., FoonerIslndof We Rave. Gbbs-Thé Need Hichens-SiXth of October. of Three Décades« FOR THE lEST SHOE REPAIRING SCHNEIDER'! SHMO!IIUMR SERVICE 1148 CENTRAL AVE. Wmest twlnter's Oroeery Peattiý-Arner*ican Acres. Van 'Etten-I Ain the Fox. NON-FICTION Sherman-Mental Hygliene and Educat ion. Wieman-PopUlarity. Shejdon--ýPsychoIQgy and the. Promnethean Will. Kaflen-Declifle and Rise of the Con-. surner. Markis-Craft of WVriting. Benet-Burnling City. Sandburg-The Peopfle, Yes.' Aliller-I Cover the Waterfrofit. 17. Cai and Deliver CIVIL SER~VICE EXAMIr The United States Civil Service conmission bas announced open corn~petitive examinatiofis as follows: Economnist (public health administration). $3,800 a year, Public Health Service. junior geologist, $2,000 a year, Geological Survey and Soit Conservation Service. Chemiists. and hiochemnists, various vil Service Board of Examiners, at SW ilniete post office. w. are ragnuus for MiIk Shakes JQuart ýay and Sunday Bick of kCe ream3c LMOETTEI 1 Marsh Photo v'rtaxcd Kiilwtor-tl's .çcwers, Iast Suasday, rrfl W/sle» thre Iini .and(ai inaitthiOr,l o btruction da»urscid rip Skokie ditçIr jcar the Warzwick re<'nîW The top biciuîre shows a scene we c t ovefloo 4 1 r di - the Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. MChristian The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized the: Reading Roozn. Sciecec Literature imay bc read, borrowed or purchased ut THU ]PUBLIC ]Ç CORDIALLY fIÇITED TO AIENP TEE LED'VISIT THME£]LADINO 10051 sjze cain be used. Kremer, chairman. -- Mariôin Note: Econorny Shop is conducted by the Womnan's Club of Wilmette. 11. k CHIURCK SERVICES where they, . rom 'm -five L ent