Mm mate!cIoks and oS UIUU Çw.. uaet weuata free or chargo. 81 0* PAQUIABULO township and New Trier Township Higit schooi;. villages of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Giencoe; park districts of the samùe villages; the Chicago Sanitary, district;- the Forest Preserve and: Cook' county, totaiing $54000. IS,4&dan,, ýa Wththe light.wcioght frits go0 ýby on the emartest heïds. Wear tbcin telescoped, pinched ' dented, snapped in front or dvwn iaU mundwL Thsy't. the "Extra Hat for any occasion. Other-Stetonus-$ 7 .SO EMERSON THE WILMETI'E Ave. UATS-3.5O LINS TOGGFRKY STORE FOR MEN Phone Wil. 2435 has been preparing for the occasion, eariy in the atternooi. with a list of events, which flot only The schooi's book store, operated will includé the 'egg-throwing ciasie as a practical studeut enterprise, inthe day of frolic whîch wUl bigl under the, super-vision ýof David Johnat 1 p. -mu., and -wbich wilitemia member of the *commere facuity, approximately. 12 hous later,'but wilI. son, open aftêr classes close. be wili feature golf, baseb.all, horseshoes, nailto make the driving, races,' balloon blowing, In addition, in order and to pereasier, books of cracker-eatinig, and a number of other purchase rush on the aoid to students mit events, detuils «of which bavre' beens store book the aftiernooi,. ,coinMondaythe -by scrupulously guarded and Friday, Thursdayr, will be open on mittee. week. ibis of morninga Following the dinner, which is to Saturday The store, it was expliined, carnesi be servedl at 7:30 o'ciock., and for required. for each. which reservaioitsare to be made a- list of ..textis will flot be necessa ry st that so course, wihStation Master Wilbert Chap-first meeting, the after untîl wait to WestNorth man -of the- Chicago and ern line, or with Mns. William Taylor of each class-. Hmadbook Pi"bisbeq of the Kenilworth Inn, a number of 64mystery" prizes. will be drawn. One of the books which ail students, Resid.etsoMXmeikvorth 38<of.the egpeclty frethlni, will4e urge& to Kenilworth park, district will receive purchase, is the. Student Handbook, informai annouilcemeuts this week. published by the student council. The book describes in detail the courses off ered 8fa the high scitool, the required studies, and the customns and traditions which the faculty seeks to have scholars observe. The joseph Sears scitool, Cumnor and Abbottsford road, and Cumberland avenue, Icenilworth, wlll open at the usuai time. Monday morning. An The Volunteers Organize Local Unit; Plan Work i..> hi E CLOTH-ES, southward ieged to be attacking the principies of Winnetka which extends, those except avenue, Winnetka the American forin of governient. from nortb tract, No-Man's-Land the In an and opened, Headquarters are to be of the Chestnut avenue limits of ampigi inugWilmette and east of Tentit street, = itenivememersip the lake shore. urted.along ~ fafwcii h xeto Wt by headed is division wonians E The Mrs.. A. F. Hooper, 923 Linden avenuere whepantiyelte tscinofheuuotw as chairman, who has selected the foi-tem ism andeffective opposïttn al- lirnits, those in the srnaii portion of ropsSul)-..C..... veriveactvitesof arjus tijme 11611163 Wilmetc Ave, Wfmte4M0 9dren, i5everiy and N I niuiunliiiir ected to returu to end of titis wedc. ex-. e the plan.1 the Ib wriir aga i b gu