ADVEI$ERPAGE ADVERTISER Abe Motet Sale.. ,.Âirport TaÈverui.. Ameý,c«a Boy...... . ADVERTISER P G PAGE Cover IV. .. 60 .. 4 Mercer Lu. ber-co-.. Cover IV 3 ,Mission IliuM Golf Clb Murine Ce... . .. m8,6 , . ......... 16'. 13aby Bunting.. t arney ............... .60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 D. yr ' m . . . ' blum . votae.. Eo kN ook, T ........... 48 br.uch's Shuaber Sbop.....4AS Breun.Bros. Ou Co...17, 34,6 bkysat a&Strattoa College.. 52 Dura' Toitevy.......... 8 - .. Cover III1e National Biscuit .. .. 2 North Shore Bootery. ýNoreli Shore Montessori SehI. -39 North Shoie Refrig.ration 56 Seevice ................. Northtown Utlities....67 Northweaieoe University...50~ Oak "Creet,, The............ 27 ~1 IL, i. Central Y. M. C. A. College. 32 dixandler's ................ 48 dd*efW âslr o ....... 17 dbialtioa Scenuce Church ... 18 Céloimy lHatSbop.......... 16 ConsmeraCo........ Cover IV Ciimquaity Thestre ........ 61 Co.,niq,, G... T ............ 56 Crne Co................. 5 Davis Purmiture Co....... '..47 DeBourie, Elizabeth.' ..... 60 Packard Motor Car Co. ...... 5Si ?wglltruko, D.... ........... Paulig,E. G, &Co ......... 56 Peecock Ice Cram .......... 18 Peaster Oil Co............. 27 Portland Cement........... 58 Powell'.......*........ 47 Public Service CO ....... 53à, 57 Quimma & Tyso ............ % Evsn&ton Business Colleje .... 17 Evanston Y. M. C. À ......... 55 Feltmon & Curme... ........ 52 Florida Fruit Co. ............ 281, French Leundry ............. 28 Gjencoe Bicycle Shop ........ 29 Photo Shops. . A rts ý ...................... Schneider's Shoe Repair .... 10 Shawme Tailors .............. 18 Smith, John M., Co . ...... 30,31 Snider-Cazel Drug Co . ...... 7 Snyder, C. C., Ine . .......... 58 Stevoisa, Edgor A., lac. .... 439 47- * ... 39 ..................... 6 J Lago ........ ...... 61 The 1,525,817 motor vehicles regý istered in Illinois -in 1935 paid'a total of $19,075,621 in registration fees during the year, J. J. Cavanagh, general manager of the Chicago Motor club, reported recently. Bâsing his statement on officia, government figures, made available hv tho American Automobile associ- Motor Vehicle Fées the close of 1935 was -only a few hun-' dred thousand. short of the record number of cars registered in 1929 and 1930, the previous high, peaks in car During the first , six, ownership. months of this year factory sales of new automobiles were approximately 2,500,000, indicating that by the close of 1936, more cars will be in use, in the United States than ever before in 14, 15 .......... 29 s for a wéek.