ý-30, 3 yrs. N. COLOED ouple, A-i, 3 yrs. Righ. Pk.ý *ref. GERMAN couple, second and chauffeur. Other couples. PAULINE'S EMPLoymENI MAID"FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORIC Wilmette 2171 Shedrake c16-1217 or 2 adulte ln family. eu,wnnotxa. 00 l nn ka.à O CALL WLMETTE 796 HLP 7AT-PML 71LTN18-ltp EXP. WITIC MAID POR GENERAL LOUT AND POUND housework. a ln family. No Iaundry. Lýot-blac.k and white 6 mnos.. old maie References required. ()Wh room aynd bath. Winnetki 1768., CAT , 71L18-tp wearing green collar and bell.eeWard. WE HAVIE OPENINGS AT, PRÉSENT MAID, .WITE, 23 TO Phone Winnetka 75â FOR SALE CREAI?.' TIIROGH 28. COOKING, for Generals, seconds, cookai and. serving. Aiit wlith 2 . hildren. Muet -breds. Calil Willette 1366. __________________ 3LTN1 8-ltp couples Also a few openngà for men. beý neat. Referenoee.t Write A-133, Box 44LTN18ltpý 60, Wilmette. <t LOST 7 LT WEARINS APPAREL Wllmette 21 .71 JOBS' VAILABLE Davis 7777, ant-àide Eployment Office 634 Davis REWARD. APPLY WINNETKÂ f9 2 BOy'S SUITS - DA.,KXBL'UESIZES Fourth & Linden 624 Davlà Street. Opp.. "L' Term. 12' and 14, good cndition. Wfflte only. Eanston, Ii. Phone 3LTNl8-ite Glencoe 670 71LTNIB-4tp before 10 A. M. 71LTN18-lte LOSTLAMBDA CHI ALPHA FRACOMPTENT WHITE GIR L OR WOM59LTNîS-îtp ternlty plin, gold;4 peari 1 encircled. .an for general hou6ework. FaiuIly of Initialé N. D. K.,Betwveen lot Mtho.dïit four. References. Phonle Wlihnette 5Ë2. 'FOR MAIDS AND. Couplas Church, Wllmnette end Weeks' dining 71LTN1-tp room. Wllmette 1424. GOOD WAGES 3LTN18-ltc WHITE LOST GlIRL FOR GEN. HOUOBBOY'S BICYCLE, ELGIN. 1733 Lk Ave., Wilmette lwork. No laundry. 4 in famlly, 2 Saturday afternoon at Wilmiette TheaRegister now. Phone Wilmettc 1733.7 Established 25 Years childrn. Ph., Glencoe 1570. ter. Reward. kZenllworth 1 498, I oP YeIIow Persian Kittens COME IN AND SEE US, ýAbout Your Next Job, Small White Change Purse Pauliine s -Emùpi. Agencie POSITIONS OPEN Clausony s Emip. Agcncy Lindgren Emipi. Agency Empi. Agency tpCarlson's :tp RAS SOME VERY LI-ItpCURLY liiEA GOOD POSITONS E 818 EL>! STRE!ET for nurses, maids & couples couple dinnei ON Cook. __ n- WINNETKÂ 3328 71LTN15-tfe WOMAN, afternoons thrg iNo laundry. ,houi SNorth Shore Empi. Agency Phione q J748 ',, 1024 Dempster St. Evannn HELEN CHRIMEs Selective Class of Help. J3stablshed 25 'Years i- f Aiq- GIRL, eral Ref. T[ USED GRAND PIANO. 6. Must be sold at once. W reasonable offer. 529 Elcg netka. Caîl evenings. FOR SALE B-FL7AI Ideal for boy or girl pla band or orchestra. Phione PETS )LTIS-tp1137 Central Ave. Wllmette 1056 ILTN1-ltpROCKHOLD BLDG. MNAID, W HI TE, EXPERIENCED, LENGTH. 68LTN7-tfc îaneral housework and cooklng. No accept any WANTED -WO)RK BY THE DAY. lane, WinGece15 Nursing, cooking, servlpg, cleanlng, LTN18-ltp laundry or plain sewing. Glencoe 1550, Sunday dinners SALESME] 7bN8.t ýLARINET. and teas a spccialty. Best refs. Wtu MAID FOR GENL. HSEWIC. cars. WiI tgin achool go anywhere. Glencoe 1411. Ued car x or reliable niotlher's helper. mette 3798. 68LTN15-4tp Must like Center. childrcn. Ph( Home ýLTN1S-Itp COMP. WOMAN - HOUSECLEANING, n igh ts. Wilmette 49~26. LAUNDRY. CARE FOR CHILDREN *71LTN8-ltp 1 EVES,, SUNDAYS. ALSO WORIK SUN- BEAUTY OPERATORS 'W A N T E D: DAYS. BEST REFS. . WINNETKA 1511. Experience~d nnrtor asals v r. 8064 Lii e Niles Ce ~-1tp .. . . . . .