I ese properticm at reasonabie rates. 'Oldoag salle.fiM. e.14 10 LIS, Pauin.g & C., C.uatnaetion Deparmment Construction Repairs Architectural Service Flnoncdneg 140 CENTER STREET *WINNUTKA 3250 0,Ï savings, .building; and boan associa-adTutoma. Students, enrolling .iiv a course mi otions.in Illinois and WisQ»jyMý Coniiie in. the "'The Real. Estate Cyicle" will mak ç.vJsing the banik's ati finu of the, sequenice of Iihground which baâs been char- a siettfic,,stuidy preceded previouls bave which factors vear this of acteristic 'sinice Marcb and prospe rity. depression of periods for need in. slimp winter the when then .to de-, corfrelating the bank'sfunids ended. Thle Chicago Methods of ini the fluctuationis term,Îieimmediate .000in. batik now bias over $22.000 attemlpts anid anialyzed be will future approxjinatelyý outstanding, credit $1,0O.00.000 ahead> of'the nlext highiest made to' relate past cyclical movementsto the preseit and the future. hank in the. systein. Among the factors to bc studied A.. R. Garduler, president, rel-ortsas indicative of prospective trends ofthe ne gi tha 62percen will lie popiulation movemnents.2luildugut rp-ing activ«ity, changing uses of land,. fr ban oustndig resenlts 1lng-term. advances. showing prtn aus.rns vrigln the definite revival'of confidence suf- revenue 1 of iniconlie property%,. subemoe ay bsittio abutdivision activity., the value of trust ficentto long-term obligations on the part Ofdes.umerofrcoursrsi inortgage lban executives.. Early ac-detaocuay.iusiaatity tik lar' tivities of the bank w'ere much larger renanaa cuin volue prop7ortYo1atelv inithe short te~ings idwoeaeta isale tae ob feld reflecting, uncertainties wbicli nThean coure 1existed at that finie and bave now fTretouis ye to befeed 'be ahe ferdhaly t-eob isoft been dispelled to a large degrec. *There is. a closer correlation this universty. mion th between the total of newv bans disbursed and the net gain in lbans Winnetka Permits Total $23,300m in Eirst 8 Days outstanding thail bas, been noted beIfore. Mr. Gardner indicated. This is Four building permits for improveattributed to a growing acceptance of the Federal Home Loaii band as a nients totalling $23,300 and including tqtal of $1,110,355.89 was furisnied - ---- New American Home committee whichl is building the modern structure at Michigan avenue and Rooseveit road. The, home is being. constructe d under the aùspieces of the Federal Housing administration. 91 'kiow of nlo home project better suited for1 the communitie's. .and' suturbs of the Chicago area." .said Mr,, Peabody.. "The modern .facilities lni the home- its .con ven iences. confort and spacipus rooms. niake it particiularly a daptable iin addingto flic beai,communîities.. of earl>v ty.O Mr. Peabo1)ôdy explaîinci that thé home will be completed about' the mid-: die of Septemb*ler, and that if vill thein be open for.public inspection for a period of thréie momths. The home, will be ýa two-storv. six-riiooni structure. thorougly modern iii every détail: Traditional Unes .Mthiotgh the extérior oôf the lhome, oi ýwill have dcean., traditional lincs iniits architecture. earlv Artierican terior wi'dl conitain ever%, modern feature of tested value. accordiiig to M.ýr. Peaibodv. The r'oomns will be large and coinfortable wvith the latest iii i nn(lerinlighitilig e(uipmeflt. Despite its compiletely, modern features. the new Aniericani home will hc aii iea omne for children. according, 4 dproperties, v.stwicted RegidentW &re&&. Evaastoi and North Shore. Sor l Y.r toms. uali*Iest Pay"etti Seuni-an 'lt is likely that this third quarter will represent. the largest volume of ýadvances whicbi the Chicago bank lias made ini any tbree. montb period since it began business." lie said. The advances for the first two months of the, quarter are already greater. in volume thati for the full first quarter of the year. one car garage, at 1158 Ash street. Tbe-estirnated cost is $11,000. Leonard A. Gliatte, 5748 West Race street, Chicago, is the arcbitect, and the Kennedy Construction company, of Glenview Wilmette, are luilders. Plumbing and Heating comparty have the sewer and plumbing contract. The otber new residence is being built by .. D. Cliffe, at 1127 Ash street. It is two stories-j of brick is cQmDiiosed of NveIlIknown business and civic leaders wjth «Mavor Edivard J. KelIey as hionorary chairmanl. Othier mienibers of the committee arc M.\r. Peabodv, chairmnat: Robert 'J., Duinhain, vresklent. Chicago Park R. O'Connor, district District -Iohtii (irector, Federal Housing administra' tion : C. 1. Rice. president. Chicago As\ýsociationi of Commi.erce; Walter L.. Gregory. chairmati of board State C revistoila: iil ri Streetct iil t .r1 it issued iii eigbt days ,ut by R. C. alterations *to his residence' at & nue, costing $3,000. -Il her .witT in California. Atherton company.