115 Csfr Ae.WL M patrmi=e 0w Adçeraio Detroit-WiÉdsorslummer bas been one of the nottest 1aDo£ W u mir i. aily high-iiltitude flights n dtiy tswil bgin at To lie sure, we are all tallking about' The, gambrj eré cati be made by trato T intot truc quite 2.m, 4stern standard pe. everv the wcather, but it isn't Id be proa.Oan'imself. it. about donc to and ii that vothimg is being Sunday fros , t brIl, n oe biveadIdon goveret Federal the 1870 ic clding ovoebr29cr WGN and '¾ matcschare ro wllihg be wud -o tepurps a.umit maintained has Dein 6 wil cotinue tao D)eeoawir troit- The broadcasting schedule will of *ea ther forecasting. At that timfe quent adventure. Experimnents. are being made with also îinclue the Thanksgiving, day it was attached to the Signal Corps carriflg meteorological Mnballoons. was It, StatesArmy. United. thé of battie bétween the Bears and Lionis found that, its torecastings strunients.. The difficulty has bee If history repeats itsele, scoo ii Deétroat. be con,-, the western championship will proba- proved of particular value to farmbers,, that th'é'balloons could flot be, 1s Iduld records the and trolled part a made was unit bly hinge, on this--cOffest, the wiftüerý and iu 1891the of the Departxuent of Agriculture as in the ocean or some1 isolated.,place. S to meet the -easteru champion in the 1 But science: is flot to be discouraged. 'Weather Bureau., ~payof.the and it may possibly devclop that the R&Wl, Delvmot ureuf the United'States At the presenit time it lias some- Wete VISIT, IN VILLAGE W, Mr. Pau Knapmd ad thng like 200 weather stations, nce will in time have 'miniature stations Mr.md bstations, and 6ý above the> clouds. larger. number of suà inemxBll<, théir hdrnK to Fr.Of If tendoq he Unted tateseWith hbut of the Dparment MarIle scattered Centers -forecast spent th l-ek-end WithDistrict rs adisor,Wis-. eatn h o 7h>If heresearcth M.adMsW.J.inof61Foet troughouttetatdSats ln-. Smnithsonian and the development. of 'air transporta- of Agrieulture avenue. patia tiOn, it was stilI further enlarged by stitution should resuit 4' the, Air Çoimerce Act of 1926 which method of making long-ranige weathpro.vided for the establishmnent of er forecasts, it 'may shiow <ha,! hat is taking place in the stratosphere sznall weather stations at airports. have more effect upon the wealth will States United the of These divisions farmers than the resuits of our IOf the in engaged are jWeather -Bureau collection of data at the various points!t the coming election. and the dissemination of -weather -ràg S - forecast information in the different localixies, 10Pt fNCE Qne Of the District Fore-90PtofNCE h ind cast Ceuters islctdhrFf scSigits -1 - .. t W..* .~~r i rd Teacbling Positions rd ulacement bureau ith the opening of a new college ner.the -- vea oi haps moths in advance. &choolof Camuierce, an.d the Mediii Scbool of journaliam now available. elim schedules for couses i the Univerity Colqe, the THE UNIVIRSIY COIILE lem on which scientists have long been workig. Today nie w and coucerted efforts are being made by private instituheFdrlgoenetweeks. tin n for a solution oi the problem of longrange weather forecasting. The Departaient of -Agriculture is making; certainl iflvestUZtiofls, and the prob- It 's a prob- From the number of inquiries coiing to the bureau front schools, it iS expected that the goal of 100 per cent will be reacbed within the next few. June graduates of the college will go to fifteeii states and Hawaii to take up their new work, and to., schools ranging fromi nursery schools anid kindergarteiis through the eighth asi nL1Umoins shopI