'7 and wvomen from ÇCook county -giied in action overseas. to be place on the "Golden Book of Cook1,COU ntyt," the offilcial World war. me,.morial s;hrine of ail veterans- organizations of Chcago. The "Golden Book>of Cook Coun-' ty" .containing theé mames of these war 'deadi was prepared by the Chicago Histôrical society and dedicated iast with imnpressive ceremÛonies Rabbi Charles E. Shulman' of Mardi 8. It is now on permanenut disNorth&Shore Congregation Israël play in the World War room of the in. Glencoe 'i: to aid the fait drive Chicago Historical society in Lincoin, of thse Energeilcy Peace cam f'aijn [Parkas opte of ils 300 national speakers. This bronze. plaque, especiaiiy More thon 500 meetings will bc for this purpose, carnres in struck held during October and November the inscription-"TIribute of Frenich1 in as mnany cities in cvfery state of government to the AmerFrench the thée unifon, culminating in huge mass f rom Cook county, sokiiers ican peace gatheripigs on Armistice Day, fallen on the soil of gloriouu1y il zoas announéed froi» he«dquarIers France." of thse canipaign in Philadeiphia. The public is cordialiy invited te Thse Emergency Peace campaign,* attend these ceremonies in which the Allied which was inaugurated last April andi consular representatives of officers of commanding and nations tbe: over has already reacheti 278 cities veterans Aliked and States United the entire country, aims to keep the Unitedi will participate. Major States from going to war, andi war organizations E. Kilbourne andi Charles General ont of the world. George Lanysbury, Downes wiil repJohn Admirai Rear eninent British Laborite andi peaceNavy in the and Armvy the resent worker, came to this country at thar tins to lend bis voice to the inter- Doit y»U Býd to be> warm, too, with tom. boy wool ling', 4u héce1anet yoke, and heavry iüterl*,ning! Wmeé,_ green, browýn, navy. Srs7,to 14. 1 itilisy1as - GIRLSI.DRESSES A lovely group of cottons including plaidà, prguts sud solid colore. Sizes '3 to 6 "ud 7'to 16.1 2 5 GIRLS PAJAMAS One. and two-pieee styles ini -gay prints and two-tone broadcloths. 81.65 GURU' HATS and Vclvets frIts _ newest tri ms and styles. $.5t f 39 ized into a powerful expression of peace sentiment ini the United States during thse iast five nsonths by the Energency Peace Canspaign. Directed by Ray Newton, of thse ATericail Friends' Service Consmittee, which iniitiateti this movement witb heatiquarters ini Philadeiphia, the city of brotherly love, individuais f rom the above enumerateti groups as well as 34 active peace organizations are representeti on the Cànnaign's council. nottornîey on uvn4u it 411l participating veterans organizations. The Naval Order of the Republic band wii furnish a musical program. Hienry "Cross-p8tchU weave,i gorgeous fail colors. SKIRTS. 066 *bo ee 0$ 2.95 Chzristian Science Churches A new heather-patterned wool with double leather belj.. Sizes 12-16. .Peace cý wthe Peacec