for Twelfth Seeson Adding to the laurels, she gainedjn July. when she won the. woman 's championship of the £h icago District. Golf association, Miss Virginia Ingram' for the twelfth' successive year became .woman' s champion of Sunset Ridge Country club,, the finals played Saturday morning. Mrs. J. E. Alrnond, of Evanston' was the runner-up in A class, and, Mrs. G. H. Dovenmuehle of Winnetka won the consolation prize., In. B class, Mrs. C. S.,Butier of Chicago was the winner, witb Mrs. A. D. Herrmann of Winnetka as for an1 average, of a sketch' a day, per The ceremnony will be. witneéssed by. a fa mily,. San: Diego, Los, Angeles, small group .of relatives and friends Pasadena, Santa Barbara, Pàlô Alto, and wilI be followed by. a reception and San Francisco, were amonôig the on the. lawn of -the -Chapin residence. cities tbey visited in'California, vi1sitMr. and Mrs. Earl Jager of 1011, ingÉ the Hallack Greeleys- of Winnetka, Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, are eninx "Frisco.." From California they tertaining ,at a dininer party tomorrow proceeded to Seattle, V7ictoria, and (Friday) evening in honor of Miss Vancouver. Mrs. Burnham, lecturn .Walker and ber fiance. on bier -bcwk, "Around the: World 'on Elizabeth Harting Percy (Mrs. Eda Penny," gave six programs at $an ward Hunter Percy)'o f ýWilmette will Diego, three. at Los Angeles, one in be the violinist in. the grFoup of musiSanta Bajrbaia, and one at the Univrer-, cians wbo will, play the wedding sity of Washington, She and bier music. daughter came homne. by way of WinFollowing the ceremony, to bc pernipeg, where another lecture was formed by A. A. Smith o,»ftbe_ Presgiven. byterian churcb of Rogers Park, la reception for about sixty guests will lie 1heldI it t1-the hain honte. 'Mis's Lora Jane Ladd of Hinsdale, cousin of the bride,, will bc ber maid of honor, and Wainwrigbt Davis will be bis brotber's best man. Tbere will be two jimmy Cbapin, Mrs. Leslie L. Cooke of Winnetka, small ribbon bearers, Bobbie- Lou aund chairman ot the committee for the nephew of the bride, Mrs. Earl and Mr. of daugbter lecture series to be given as a bene- jager, Wilmette. of jager was Evanston, fit for the Cradie in hostess to the menibers of ber coinmnittee at luncheon Tuesday at ber et Holyoke Tee road after two months spent in the Mi7rjrie Walker of Chicago, dû tp LaiSatweistr lecturing and painting. Mrs. vin L. Davis, ago of Chicago, Burnham and bier daughter f ound time urday evening, Septemnber 12, at 8:30. Mount f lt: eteiL St ilbe Hol ke college ~Rl beé to guests of honor. at a tea given. by the ,Chicago Motint lubf rom 4, Hol1yoke ,Collg until.6 o'clock Friday, Septe mber .11, at the Chicago College, club. The teaý will be sponsored by the liaisotonommit.tee of the club), with Miss Julia Drake' in charge.of arrange.menits. are, Among tbe entering fresbmen Miss Blanche Hat.fieldof Evaýnstonand Miss Margaret Brown of Chicago, twü Chicago-area fresbmnen receiving $450-scholarsihips to Holyoke this year. Two hundred dollars is being gi.ven each girl f rom 'the Emily White Smith scholarship fùnd of the Chicago club, and $250 is being awarded cacli girl byr the ccolIege, 'the qualifications of the two candidates warranting equal. consideration and making it impossible for the commîttee to choose onie or the other. Mirs. ,E. S. Guzman Barron is chairman of the committee. Miss }latfield is the daughter of' James Taft Hatfield, professor em1eritus of Nortbwesterfl university and former* head of the German department. Miss Hatfield graduated, in -runner-up and Mrs. D. J. Donabue of Ev11t-oi-n winner of the coensolation award. Mrs. F. H. Haviland of Wil-' mette won first prize in C class, Mrs. T. W. Harrison heing runner-up and Mrs. P. N. Sea of Chicago, winner of consolation prize. 'In D class, Mrs. A. R. McCartan of Chicago was the winner, Mrs. C. W. Zepp of Winnetka, runncr-up, and Mrs. E.. A. Fellers of Wilmette, consolation win- Chairmnan Enlterfais Luncheon Commille. .a+ ner. OÔn entire çommittee personnel includes Mrs. Clarence Seipp and Mrs. Ralph, Sargent of Chicago, Mrs. Sargent formeérly a Winnetkan; Mrs. Arthur Reebie and Mrs. Cooke of Winnetka; IMrs. R.. A. Samipson of the event from August 25, because of Glencoe, and Mrs. Roger Vail of inclement weatber. Higbland 'Park. pus 1U ic risneAu D ' n ,ina club orchestra. TIheir mothers are holding their last guest day of the golf season Tuesday, September 15, having postponed home at 98 Indian Hill road, Wilmette, on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes 'and their tbree cbildren, Charles, Alice, and Lillian, recently returned from Onekama, Mici., where they spent their ývacation., Maxwell- street in Chicago, for tea in the Globe Theatre actors for the bést ber scbolarship1 for coIlege tuitiôn f romi critical essay on their performances of Shakespeare,' and placed tbird in a ýnational contest for the best Germnan essay of 1,500 words. Miss Brown attended Hyde Park High. school and was graduated from Morgan Park High school ini the upper tenth of ber class. She wvas an omfcer in thre literary and glee bers were attracted to tbe dinner dance held Sat.urday evening, 'and to Large numbers of tbe club mem- Foshioav Show to D*ee11* Sumouer Camp or bicycl. Miss Anne Bayliss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Baylis, 610O'. Central avenue; is 1 e a v i n g today , (Thursday) for Oakland,, Cal., for ber cof the program. <ctooer .3, GI sophomore year at Mills college.I