Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1936, p. 16

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- Back to Ce mpus, n thNs port. youthful off--theface hait of fine fur feit. Wear it smack on>,the bâck of your bead-4t. wili put .you et the top of your- class. BIeck. brown enid autbentic cauturnn shades. to the effect that no civic uncIertaIc% itig, at ieast in recent years, has contributed so much pleasure to so large a contingent pf villagers. noî,done soi muth-to aàdvance commtniity spirit. Those in charge of the, arrangements state. that it was onIly throuigl the fine coopeirationi of local orgaizations and officiaIs of :the, FederalMusic project that the affair culminated so successfully, and to sncb complete satisfaction. 10 the vast audiences which listened -to the varion.s programs. It is added that nmuch credit is due to the local organizations whose, sponsorship made the ý concerts posslible. They -are as follows:i Wilmette. Post No. 46 American Legioni,ýW'iImette Civic league, Wilmette Home Owners association, and Wilmette Chamber of Commerce.ý $5-95 colony bat-shop 1640 OWington Avenue Evansfon Schultz,'Kerr Named to Toronto Meeting At its adjourned meeting Tuesday night the' village board delegatel commissioner of Public Works C. C. Schultz, and Village Collector E. H. Kerr, to represent'the Village of Wilmette at the International Public Works Congress, to be beld at Tor- success when the intermiediate boysý won from the Green 13 to 6. Vattmuan scored 5 runs in the tmird Last week at Vattîman park the when Adams, *Dexter, Benson, and staff held a picnic and watermielon Kaspar bit home runs ini succession. çontest for the children. The Village Greenscored one more Thursday a group1 of senior boys ini the fourtb, inning on a home. runi girls fromn thé, Village Green ane by Earl Borre. Vattman scored twice anid Vattinan park went on a-bike to, in -the fourth making the score 10 to 9 Harms woods. The party started in favor of the Green. Ini the. fiftht 9:30 and returneéd at six, Durinning Capt. Ed Benson of thé Vatt-1 about, the girls froin Vattmans resorted to. some big leaguie ing the afternoonfrom the Village girls played'the mani stragety which worked. Village Green Green a gamne of soft bal which the, had tvvo meni on base with two out 2. The junior to 21 Won girls Vattman and. Capt. I3orre ofthe Village Grçeen Green Village the at children of group had two nien on base with. two out Green. the at picnic a had and Capt. Borre of the Village Greei at bat. It was decided bY Benson toý Fr.iday night, (tomorrow) 'the Vilwalk Borre because he is a dangerous, lageGreen will hold a lantern Parade bitter and1 had bit a.home run the last at 7 :30 o'clock. The parade wilI start time at bat. The niext batter bit ant at the Village ýGreen, go south on easy roller to the' piticher. who threwN Ridge road.to Minmette1 avenue, east him out and thus ended the Village on Wilmette avenue to Central ave-, Green threat. Vattmnan scored . three nue, east on Central avenue past the runs in the sixth to take the lead 12 Wilmette theatre, north on Eleventh street to Lake. aven~ue, and west on tO 11. The Green tied the score in their' Lake avenue to the Green. HI-L CHAMPIONS, I 1 j ç (tes ternational Works officiais. Ass HOME PROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Allen M. Rossman of 1131 Chestnut avenue, who has been in a Painesville, Ohio, bospital since July 6 wben she was injured in an auto-' mobile accident near there, returned to her home in Wilmette last Thurs- uQnt YOUR VISIT OF INSPECTION CORI>IALLY INVITEI> 1$ *657 Vernon Avenue Glencoe, Illinois Ëquad cars.' its and to the police

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