1148 CENTRAL AVE. West of Wintcr*u Qrorery 1*'.Cal! and..Dolivur Coliege of JEducation and has been teaching in Highland Park. Mt. Zibble is a graduate of Armour 'institute and, is a mÏember of 'the social -fratern .ity of Pi Kappa Phi and a member of TauBeta P. No date lias beén set lor Ille wedding. for MiIk Shakosii Quart Bick of Ice Cram J 5c IWULMETTE !JUTcgSrc&nKWIMqE55 Just 2 Days LeftI Miss jane Horsting, daugliter of for> Annual Busse Day Mr. and Mrs. William F. Horsting Saturd'ay, September 19, afternoon of 1103 Elmwood avenue, plans to- and evening, Republicans of Newl leave next Tuesday for Durham, N. Trier township will celebrate the C., to hegin, her second year at Duke second annual William Busse day. University. The scene will be laid in Ehrhardt'ý grove, near Park Ridge. Guests of the day will lie Col. Frank Knox, 137- Central Avenue er aaughter,j ýoute f rom New n Los Angeles. oipli Lamprey venue, had as ,r several days -Reinhart and who were en to their home