dadditions t( almost as shocking and tremendous menit. The swift growth of Girl. Scouting uaugnrers. Ann a have occurred in the way people get their living. AImost anybody, once, in the Iast five years-niearl\v a Laura, of the. Prairie aieu and an Comwte Fr Coplt.Fr ndIhome, and .M\rs. M\ary Nelltes, of Ev- could take primitive tools and scratch per cent increase ini membersipTairng Service together food and shelte r. But now- makes Girl Scout' leaders, feel increasanston. Wyo. %%hyý, I heard, the other day. of a Girl ing'ly responsib.te for th-equalàit3- of the Scout, w'ho had neyer seen a cow !" large public service which is groi g R*t.Rn@.irin' Mrs..Bauth *Mugt have been a new.,Girl Scout,", up under their hands.. of themn replied. uaraon They meet new situations, therefore, Lake Vacation Tîp, une Girl Scout leaders try to serve the with the progr-essiv-e- but cautious and, Ot aot4alatory sertc Services for Mrs..Ana Bauth, 111 Im Utet Fifth street. who.passedawa, Fridav, young.generation which must master} sel f-questioning, attitude ivhich perhaps distinguishes the :trail of the aboard the steamer Charles G. Tayloýr. a cIýà-rig world. Voluâteer Leaders. true pioneer frôm the trait of the on ak Superior. nearý Sault Sainte Nintynin pr ent of Girl Scout dinosaur. 830 Part Ave. WIm.t$ 2590 'Ifarie, Mich., were held. Tuesdav I _____________________________afternoon. at Ros;-ehili cemetery chapel.I leaders are volunteers, out of whose, M rs. Bauth, %%ho wyas 60eéa n> oki, effort arises the need -for.; the techw-as vacationing %vith her husband nical services, which, are, supptied b%,urp Dr. C. O. Bauth. a dentist .with offices professional local directors and' spe-i cialists at national headquarters. iniChicago.; MNiss Edna M\. True, of 418 Foresf Xolunteer leaders ýfind, for exampte. avenue, Witmette, maýnager W.' are Famous 1 -Saturdaya and Sunday that a nature program iîs needed for North Shore Travel service of the >in : the for Milk ShakesIC citv girls.- The nature conisultant at State Bank building, Quart Brkc k of lce Cream Evanstoti. has national headquarters makes sucli a i ust returned from lier usual suinn}er pftAf ai-and hands it on to leaders 1 trip oEredin whc se by o wy exprtl plaiedandmade a first hand survev oi travel taught training courses. conditions abroad. The groups of girls (among them From lier reports, summer travet to dô'ubtless the girl who had nieyer seen uoehs enrmrkbvhav a ;. a cow) gather minerais; specimens and the interest ilcruisès- and in fromn seiver excavations, trace the travel in general promises to be Ca rW:-'or-v of fruits, sea creatures, jewels, reoe inote itrsas. an-d silks seen in shop windows; obMiss True's trip, serve City animals, from cockroaches took hier through entirely bv motor, Etgland. France. to cts.Switzenlaiid,. Samee Austria, Germanv. and Girl Scout Journpal and lher grot ns n 'n the rat; season. 4nue Unome;, y ttiaree Passes :Away JOHN Te ROSIERG Read the W ataAds; Miss Edna Mi. True Home From E "5 ETE LM - j I~I l d-IJLff ÀI -iBelgium; Thl4i' Ever Happen to btrïck.1er, uofLDetroit. its monthly visit, its, pages fuît u'o chattv, friendly suggestions. -'Th e CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS Leader- acts as an interpreter and' The U'nited States Ci1vil Servic e explainer of al that is new ini Girl commission bas announced open com.-* Scout-ing. ,-1"The Amierican Girl" contitited In. petitive examinations as follows:ý Accounting and auditing assistant. 19I35 to- encourage girls to be miodern$1.800 a year. minded and alive. Distinguishied conAdministrative officers, v a r io0 u s tributors included Frances Frost. Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Rachel grades, $3,8W0 to ;,5,()00 a year, Senior administrative assistant, $3,2'00 a year. - maIrgaret Rx>en Furnace Repairing, Ami CDONDITONJNG SHEEir - I METAL W0RK IfPamphlets cpuc e prepared to assist rs. N. A. Hanna and lier parent >i and Mrs. J. P. Horn. 12-40 Locust 1.arc leaVing in a few days for. New k.Mrs. H-annas nephlew, Billy soWill sPend bis vacation at their mIer hlomle at Tomnalhawk. Ais.