Columbia picture whicb wiIl be shown at the Varsity theater this Friday and Saturday. Reputedly tbe first government.. authorized story of how 4T-Mnsecret service men who are .oh. the staff of the Treasgury department as contrasted for ýthose who Woýrk for: the justice departmetntget those wbo operate private nilnts and private money, pflftiflg Chester Morris plays the part of the. federal operator *who breaks up the' gang, recovers the, money, and: loves Marian Marsb. Lloyd Nolan handies his "oie welI as the modeem, welleducateéd bandit a nd killer. strnt iciicsi '-uunertiu, ýthe Having conipleted his role of a, frontier boy in "The Texas Rangers," Bennie Bartlett,, freckle-faced juv e1mIle, will next go into' the- Claudette Colbert picture, "Maid of Salem," which Frank Lloyd is producing and TàLe off Ysiuth Love makes the wheels go 'rou nd> directing in '*Speed," a tale of a, youth who seeks to prove bis carburetor invenCRtOSBY'S AMBliTIoN tiont at the Indianapolis speedway. The Bing Crosby, screen crooner. is film will1 be the feature. attraction at the Wilniette theater nçxt Sunday and ambitious to be an author. He bas written severai short stories which he Monday., EmtrtfimmgCo.dy doesn't believe good enough to offer Ant entertalning bit -cfcoinedy, with Exciting. races mark the drama as for publication, but isn't discouraged. Barbara Stanwyck once more coming exceptional, and the cast. includes work on a ovnl. orth as 'one of the screens great james Stewart,, Wendy larrie, and ,Now -li'at personalities, is RKO-Radio's "The Ted Healy. Bride Walks Out," which is to play HAS MANY TALENTS Onie of the best examples of Engat the Varsity theater this Sunday, lish pictures to reach America is GB's, Marsha Hunt, actress now appearand Monday. "It's Love Again," starring Jessie ing in "The Accusing Finger," though Robert Young steais the romantic ,\atthiews in a charming and breezy, stili in ber.early teens, is a talented interest f rom Gene Raàymond,. in a flot to mention witty and tuneful pianist and a sctilptress of no mean ability in addition to being a singer story of the ambitious bride who flm. walk-s out on ber small-time husband, The picture, .which is scheduled for and sketcher. only to return when she finds himn the \Vilniette theater on Tuesday and a bout to sacrifice all. The gags \\ednesday of next week, nroves that With "its tongue in its cheek" as one famoustmotion picture critic put if, "this story of an old time safecracker Who helps track' down a young bandit, Tom Tyler, is snappy,. amusing entertainment."1 HotGibson, a young raic her in love with Margaret Callahan, and Henry Walthall as the sheriff, bring this combination of fun, romance, and draina tô.a swift climax. the scenes aciq Roddy, the bedtinie radio,,station,, flifl of thej days 20eto6oo p. M. Thurs, Fri., Sat., Sept. 3-4-4 PURITAN LAD> WitI, Kay Fwaah Travelog iColpr I.Ooneytune Cartoon- News Reel Peature Starta i ay :5 4:15, 6 :15,15 1:20ý Sun., Mon., Tues., Weit sept. 67-8-9 Bill Corum SortReel Color Cartoon News Feature Starts Ail Dvqqs S&é,7 :20, 98:506 Thu-s,, Fr!., Sept. 10-il 66nuuW- Mary Brian, and lune Webster. It the Far East. Leading roles, in addimill be shown. at the Varsity theater tion to Miss M\atthews' are taken by on Wednesdav and Tbursday of ncext Sonniie Hale, Robert Young, and Ernest Milton. betefur trc week. *"Fury," ivili ete fatr trc tion this Thursday. directed I1w Raoul vWalsh and. star- of publicity by creating of ners.en a ring Henry Fonda, Pat' Patterson, mysterious MIrs. Smythe-Smythe from Thur-s., SePt. 3-Last Day 7,-,-Ir FUNNY PEOPLE Meer Tracy - Sylvia siuImq The largest collection of coîncedianis WAS VERSATILE YOUNGSTE R Io be see i in any one picture silice crrntlvj lv,7i . ladvz Gair. Peatlire Starts 7:-40, 9:50> Fr!., Sa.t, Sept. 4-5