Illinois Symphony Orchestra Secured, to Give Programs Beginning Ocêtober 12 Tentative plans for a longer, season of outdoor concerts t the WVil- counitry towns for the k'resicleftial élection have been set at September 29 and October G.: You -cannot vote istered. iii the November election unfess youhave reg- You must appear in. person In y-our o vn.,prec-inct polling >place b)etweeii the hours 'of 4 a. ni. and .m mette water works 'esplanade, Lakef Persons entitled to vo)te who ani Mich igan avenues. next sumu-ter. vvili be out of, town on both the with possibly. twelve iveekly- pgrfor- 1designated registrat ion days aremlices instead of, the present, five. advisedý that tihey. can arrange to* register. by applying to the County Clerk at the County buiilding,, Chiwere announced, thiis %veek, 'by .\\Talter. C. Farrar, 1210 Greenwood avecago. The County, Clerk will furnishi affidavits wl,h i ust be filed. nue, Wilmette, chairman of the comwithý hini. and lie Will provide ail mittce ini charge. infiormnation concerning completion The concerts were given by the ot registration- Appication mUat Illinois Svrnphony oréheqtra., a fedmade by the voter in person. be eral music p)rojûct. which also preat -Newi sentred a serie~s -iat sjring Trier H-igh school. Elated at the public response to this 'vcar's offering-over 4,200 people attended on one occason-the committee reported that it >h ad throughout obtained complete cooper- 1 Dr. H. Truman Gordon, Townsend. ation from federal and fromn munici- endorsed candidate for Congress plIauthorities. frorn the 1th district of Illinois, Scheilule Ceremony whiclî includes the n'orth shore, -%vil A ceremnony for the final concert address an open air. meeting* on the in~ the. series, schet1ule<l for Wednes- Village hall lawni Saturday afternoon,' Townsend Endorsed Candidate to Sbeak Here on Saturday. sioners, chiefs of police, anid veterinarians, from Evanston to Lake Forest werè thiýs week invited to attend.the Tavern Keeper Seeks Iniuncemeeting1, called by Cloyd C. McGuire, tion to Keep State, County, Wilmeitte chief, of, police,- for this Prom Barring ;Wèt Good$s evening in the Wilmfette Village hall, inithe interest of the anti-rabies campaign. The, battie over the control of' In addition,,all dog-owners ofWil- -iquore sales. in the Parts of New Trier mette and Kenilworth, have been ini- township flot Iocated within- -anyý vited to be present. Trhe meeting will munàicipality,- wbich lapsed into 'a luli., recenfly will be.resumed a week from begin at 8 o'clock. , Motion Pictures, obtained f rom the this, Friday when the mnatter once health -department of the state of more is takeni up ini Circuit court'. 11 The immediate point which wil Illinois. showing cases of human suf by one fering f rom rabies, ivill be shoNiî, and petition the is tavern on ownër of a Smiith, a lecturer from the statec healtîx de- Herbert argued, be Dundee road, just outside the limnits' partmrent wilI1 be, present. 'Such- questions as "Whyý Should: of the, village of Glencoe, but inside Dogs B3e Muzzled?", "WýVhv Shoulde the boundaries of New Trier township, Dogs Be Kept on a Leashi?", "Why for a permanent, injufltiofl restraifihorities Should a"Dog Be Vaccînated?", and ing. the state or county aut, "Should a Vacciriated Dog B3e Allow- from interfering with bis liquor busibe an- 'ness. éd to Run at Large? ,will Recently Sinith's license was reswered, Chief McGuire said. In addition, questions whichi dog owners voked by. the county liquor commission, on insistence of the Glencoe vilmay have may be brought up. Arrangements for the meeting lage council, acting upân' the comwvere made in cooperatiôn with Dr.. plaint of citizens in the neighborhood Mýartin H. Seifert, village health corn- of Dundee road and Hohifelder lane. Yight May CoUais mi ss ioneCr. If countv authorities are restrained by court action f rom taking any. action against Smith, the battie of the ickrodt ( * be followed by the piaying of "Arnerica,- before the beginning of the concert, while at its close the color retiremient would be completed by the playing of the national anthemn, the "Star-Spangled Banner." lil the event of rain on XNé*diesday ýening. it was anniouniceçl, the concert would be postponed until Thursday evening, and the firing of aerial bombs on Thursday evening would annoünce the presentation of the tiosti),tnanp' Drozra n, Open Postal Substation dress. l1The Wilinette club will hold its .regThurs day morning September 10, at .to any other persons wnu w'sh t ular meeting in the Village ball Fni- 9 o'clock. open a tavern in any one of the other day evening, September 4, at S8 The previous Tuesday, Septemberi two or three unincorporated patches 'ilock. the township. Information and literature regard- 8, is Book Day. Purchases -of textg ofSBesides the area on the lake front books, stationery, and other incidening the Townsend movement are taIs are to be made on this day. and the area in which Smith's roadavailable at 1125 Central and 440 PraiBus service schedules will also le- houýe is Iocated, there are unincorrie avenue, W\,ilmette, and at '809 Elmn adjusted for students from Nules Cen- porated stretches located in the excstreet, Winnietka, it is announced. ter, Glenview, Northbrook, Chicago, clusive residential section bounded by Kenilworth on the east, Winneta on Evanston, and other towns. go to New York a wortbh iabout tw sence bis wife wi in Monmouth, Ill.