blends of almost, indescribgablY lovely colors.- Jea» Vayýeux, Rarneses, Perçilà, Pluie. ad'Or. Anda xmaîîY there are the DôIly Madùon, Evolutioit.r. se' ni Anne Marie Cayeux., and Copper IJ.ntrc are but a few. Permit 'lsed to. Construct Theater in. NorthIEvanston .permit for ýthec nstruc tion of a large theater at 1706-181iCentral street, Evanston, -was issued Tuesday- to-thie 1700 Central Building Corporation. by E. M. Goodman, 'city building commisionr.Application for the-building permit. was approved by,"the, Evanston citY counicil Mfonday after two Months of controversy b)etweenl the 'buildig coYporation, the cîty counicil and residents in the area of the proposed moving picture bouse. Midernistic Design Having complied with ail rerluirenients of the building ordlinance, the corp)oration obtained the permîit and preparations for construction wcre started this week. The theater designed by J. E. 0. Pridmore, nationalIy farnous playhouse architect, will SAVE THOII Take an ordinary match and lUght it. Place the palM of your hand beside the flame. I.t's warm. Now place the palm of your hand oe hefae, 1t's hot. 0FNU 0F DOLLARS EVERY YEAR e e s e TrRY TIfS,àSIMPLE MATCH .*TEST 00 0-SEEFRYUS HOWA CRAME8,01,LER SAVES YOU MONEY s F Ol0AM OS T O IIYOUR . <N f16141 O AM MRIH r W I TO< CtTOOAM RW E 1NUIMWÉA rhat about 501 ý more heat-absc>rbing surface direclly ot ter the heating gases than the fort and ecoriomy. Crane boilers have explains the secret of Crane coin- used for tie exterior ticket office. A canopy will stretch out over the sidewvalk. The lobby of the theater will lie of .terra cotta andi glass in ultra-miarinle blue,, White and gold. The lobbyv will, be simple, in keeping with the -moderiiistic design. Stainless steei-trin-ý med mirrors will line the ivalls. The,. a uditorium of the theater wvilI. be at right antgles to. the lobb)y, 1whicli will - -. 1 . i .... lt- a... Ille u,as,. IV [le i roomfs of your home. Crane boiler. "Our new Crane Boiter is easy to run, seemns to bold the fire longer; and we don't hurn as much fuel as we used to." 11. C. WEIGOLb, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. That's why it takes less fuel and conts less monev to heat your home with a DO YOUR NEATINO DOLLARS GO UP IN SMOKE? There's lots of heat in the fuel you buy. But wlether it is carried to the rooms i Fiur asvine likie that on vnnrver. EASY TERMS. NO MONEY OOWN east Of the lobby and one west of it. JVae ........... 1........ Addtess....... 1........... City ................ ...... VAL VIS5 Pli fENlIE,; CNicAO. ILL. Those east of the lobby wiII have a frontage of 15 feet each and the one où1 the west, 30 feet, -Original Plans called for construc-, PLUMSING MATERIAL