ISince' i j * * * metnods -and isration. s upp'Iua Dy the summer program .brought .f orth country, a publicity story released byý the company, this week, revealed. fine. resuits, Mr. Seheffler asserted. the Academy: holds only ône *'This is1 in accor dance' with .the exhibition a year and that in junel, latest figures of' the.rpost office dethe Sumnmerschool,work wNill flo t be partinent, which disclose thie.. interihown ýuntil then. esting 'fact that 'the air mail*transporf rospective students are enrolling, tation of 17WA isIcarried on at aýcost to the government of 28 cents Per : w for the fal term' which begins ton mile Iess'thân the next lowest h eptember ,14. ,Besides those $52 les$ than corne from nearby-from. the south air mail. con tractor and paid the -mile ton per amount the be will shore to Waukegan-hr this year students, from M ichigan miost costly. -The terni "ton.i mile" Oio, Pennsylvania,, -Alabama, ,and means one ton of air mail flown one Iowa. The academy' is looking fo r- mile," the statement added. ward' toiabout .125 .studenits in its, "As. the - une vwhich costs the United varibus departments: Day, school, States less, to transport, government Evýening ýschôoo, and Saturday classes. mail. than any other air line' system, The, faculty will be the same as last TWA :is ýpaid aât-the. rate of $1.42 per yearton mile, according to the latest postai figures to be made -public. At this iRE H non-stop flights." growth has been omitted, wnîcn allows hunters to shoot fironi boats 'in open watef. ' tftOMST. LOUIS tim'e, tbere are eighteen, air m~ail con- 'I il i jwhere she was called by the illness transport concern whosè activities are pnd death of ber mother,' Mrs. J. confined to a sinali portion of the Nardeil of that city. She wsas çonpaned home by bier sister. Mrs. East.11 Mrs. Thomas C. White, 310 Rich- The cost to the government ranges mnond road, Kenilwortb 7 bas returned' among these eighteen frôni TWA's fter a month spent in St. Louisf $1,42 up to the $53,90 paid to an air tractors in the United States proper. whoj Jack, and her J. Maginn, F. weeks.! several fôr son ber guest twilllie cAr"y1 Per Cenit "In the nionth pf May, 193( TWA ew nearly 23 per cent of ai pound TULSA For hunting ducks, geese, and. brant, Air transport connections to -and afederal dtck stamùp is required of f rom the Atlantic and ýPacific coasts alLpersons over :16- years. of' age. .will become>available September-i for These. stamps miay be procured .at iTulsa, Okia., ýand its vici nity through the loôcal*.Post .office. .And do -flot. the new service»t be offered, by Han-. forget the hunting license., ford airlines in conjun ction, with the- The dove season opend, September. coast-to- coast system of, Transcon- 1 and. continues to Septeniber 30, both tinental and. Western Air. dates inclusive., On that date wili becomeeffective, Snipes, rails and. gallinules,' Septhe new -extenion of Hanford's air tember, 1-30. mail, contract' between Kansas City Ducks, coots, brants and- geese, and Tulsa. As à resuit, direct service November 1-30. between these two important conShooting hours onadoves, rails and munities of the "Middle Mrest- will be. gallinules,. are from, 7 a.m. to sunset., res.umed,ý and Hanford, planes at KanThe daily init on doves is 15 and sas City will connect with the Skcypossession limit, 20. liners of TWVA. The daily an4d possession. lirnit on Wlth thte extension of this IIie to snipes, rails and gallinules is 15 in the Tulaanoalrof i e itin onof ail. kinds. aggregate cition-h lfnie Tua, ardtot and possession limit on The daiiy venient airline service to aIl passen-î in the aggregate of al 10 is ducks gers arriving frorn either .coast or 1 kinds. transcontincentral the on cities the Daily and possession limit on geese ental route o f TWA. 1 and brants, 4 in the aggregate of Harold S. Darr, manager of the aIl kinds; coots, 15. Hunters should bear in, mid tliat Curtiss-Reynolds airport, combineci îhuiness~ with- leasure, last week. in1i it is a closed season on bufflehead, .canvasback, eider, redheacl, ruddy, and Ses ter a riflg5 Re fls , Ling JuaK DrUK r roisessecutive the departinent. Icdn the company's that month in ofibce tally,post *418 Liai.. planes flew 211,067,80 pound miles, Polo fans are in for a big week-end and carried nearly 15 per cent of al at Oak Brook where gaines wiIl be air mail which moved over the domes- staged Saturday afternoon and again ~* on Mfonday afternoon. The drawing Evanston Camp Number 57 of the ». of Elm tic air mail routes of the country. for the gaines will be made later in ULnited Spanish W~ar Veterans has figure of .cost f " The extreniely low o Wes ragmnsfrtee pca to the governinent for the transpor- the week. It is certain that Oak md ,BroktheBlak HrseTrop adWilmette and north shore meeting TWA the over mail air its of tation Iu 1 system, may, be realized when. il is the Twin Cities Four wil participate, to be held Thursday September 17,. ý1 il but the 'days for play and pairinoes Treat for Polo Fans shots and shaîî l ot than ten gauge. De îarger rjer, Spanish War Veterans Plan Wilmette Meeting sne - fy Or crossing of les ,thans a t rirnentali hours. an already successful season. fls international play would: accompianied home bN, theirclau Marjorie who has been visitit St. Paul fôr th e past threev attending 'the Inland' Regatta. i