Koit Suilfs wiII b. properly cieuwed end blocked of other heavy weather the Sheridan Shore Yacht clu-b Star Class fleet sailed a fast and rough seven-mile course on Saturday and Sunday afternoons i their week-end race events.' Strong winds continued from tlhe north and northwest taking a toil of five, boats forced to returnl to- the' MWilrnette harbor ýbecause of rigging accidents. John %V. Lane's Star ýsloop "Jinix" waswinerof the Saturday indward and Ieeaird.racie. This newcomter in the Sheridan Shore fleet has been in the, water for less, than: three weeks 1152 friends at a reception at the Miller residence after 5 :30 ini the aft.erpoon. Miss Mary Ann Mifler will be ber sister's maid oj..onor, and Miss Marguerite Jans of-Evanston, a cousin of the bride,. and Miss. Mary 'Naine- and OwnerTne Webster. of Rogers Park, ,wilI Jane. 35 1 :2-2 ....... .. Lane Jinx-j. Mr. be. bridesniaids. Gerald May will Neo-Price-Beandriff-----1274 ead----i:02 Little Audre-T. M serive_ bis brother as best .mnan* , and Carol-Elliott-Goss-------------.i :33:55- the usberýs iili' be ,Edward May, a -:-35:31 Bonnie "'-.Bownian-cousin of the groom, and Tbomna, 3V Twinkle Dittoý-Hayford-Jones Skipit-Waage-Knight----------1:38:.31 Beradv, -botb ofWihnette. Two small, Blue «%it--C. Jenkins------1:41 -25 ieces of the bride, joan Miller and,, -1:43.:10 *Dolphn-E. Raymond . F. Patsy Miller ivili, be flowver girls. SIIl-er Spray-Kendig 'X. F. Pegasus-GathanN-M'%ace Among.the out of tow%%n guests wvill D. N. F. be MIrs. Maude Vogbt of Milwaukee. Sagitta-Braclbu-rv jD., N. F. Katydid 11-C. L. Sindth onf -r.and' Mrs. Henrv *Brace D. N. F. and P., Alford Swvingý lt-J. D. N. F. Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mirs. ]Florenic Ali Baba-H. Mor tonSondey Reynolds of Tucson. Tme .Naine and Owner -Ariel-Cari Johnson--------i:09 :55 Several parties bave bec"n given 1 :09 :-.-) fo TmInkle Dtteo4Hyfor.-Jone1iv~MIr ô" M1i s Miller. Mrs. Jinx-J. W. Lane--------1:12:30 enterJans Timotby rs. M and Jr., :02 1 :14 Pegasus--Gathany-M.%ace 1 :14 :05 tained for ber at a miscellanieous Flit-Herbert W; Strong 1 :14 :32- shower at Mrs. \liller's bomne in Walrus-W. and R. Stockton 1:17 :15 Blue -Mist-C. Jenkins 10. M.fiss Lucille 1 :17:45 WVilmette on July. Dolphin-E. Raymiond groom, gave a the of sister Mfav-a 1 :18:02 Snort-Ralph Brown .... Mutiler on D. S. Q linen shower for MNiss Bonnie "B'-W. Bowman D. S. Q August 12, and MNrs. C. N. W\'emple .Nen-Pri-ce-Bi-andriff. The Star class sloop *'Flt." former- of Evanston was bostess at another ly propèrty of Charles H. Pajeau. bas linen shower for ber on August 13. È een purchased by Herbert 'M. Strong M'rs. Nick '.\iller gave a kitchen of Chicago, member of the Sheridan- shonwer. at her home -in Evanston on Botb the 'Arier' and the "Jinx'" Deing- 1936 newcomers thbe week-end events, represented close but. definite. victories over'the boats which have been participating inth.e Sheridan Sthore events for niany years., Stuürday -. --D. -- his bride plan The dead body of a 7V j-pound 2 baby- boy vas found 'wrapped in garbage at the village incinerator last Saturday noon.At the county morgue, a representative of. the coroner's office deterjmi-ned that the cbild bad died tbronghi injury at birth. Evidence %vwas prerented to indicate that the bodY ,was not attended by. a physician at hirth. ini \ ilmette.- to make their home - Exhibit Edna R. CJooper's Works at Chicago Gallery A one man show of oils b\. Edna, Rogerson Cooper opened in the 801 floor Art Gallery at the Davis store. Chicago. September Ist and will con-tinue until Septemnber 15. EV lu ne:r home at Sylvan1 Their children, Mfargare Aubert Moritz, 226 Warwick road, Timmy, wbQ bave been Michiganl Kenilwortb, will spend' the. week-end the entire summer will ii acconmpafly at a bouse party at Green .Bay,, Wis. them home next week.. -