day, September 14. Estimates compiled at the office of Under an act of the legislature, Business Manager Wesley L. Blrown passed Iast yiear, township- commitinidicate that 650 of the'students will of the Demhocratic and Rebe. members 'Of the freshmnan' class, 'teemian parties. appoint the'precinict ptublican and that the number of boys in the committeemen, who,, heretofore, were class will exceed the numbe.r-of girls elected in the various. precincts and, by about 150. in turueecedtheir district leader The first day will be devoted to a to repr esent'them in the county cenprogramcalculateëd to. adjust the stu- tral committee. dents, especiàlly, -the first year boys Under the recent legislation, howand girls, to the.,new routine. ever, the, township committeemian is Upýerclas Meeting the -direct representative of the townThere will be a meeting of upper ship,, and 'is lui direct charge of ail classmen In the Leslie Freeman Gates activities of the party ini that toWngymnasium at, 8:30 a. m., and there- sbip. after these stu.dents, will re.port tol their last year adyisor rooms, to re'- A complete list of, the precinct committeemen appointed and the ofceive their new progirams. The freshmen will meet in the au-. ficers elected at the meeting Friday, ditorium at the saine time and will evening will appear in next week's of this paper. be assigned thêir advisors. TJhese , issue _Sr. Lynrch was elected township faculty advisors will have charge of groups: of about 35, and in the 40 committeeman last April on an indeminute periocf which will follow the pendent platform, having overwhelmassemblies, will explain the school's ingly defeâted the candidates of the programn, and will answer student iegular Democratic organization, and his appointments and recommendaquestions. School periods will be . cut to 25 tions during the present canipaigu, minutes for the first day, and classes due to the apparent dissension bewill .be dismissed early in the after- tween Governor Henry Horner and noon, in order that students may pur-- the Nash*-Kelly Cook county organization, will be watched with mnuch inchase necessary books. terest by both Democrat.ic and Re- The Village board at an'adJourned meeting recently instruct-' ed the police strictly enforce the quarantine, and al owners, of 1dogs, are hereby, notified that the order must be obeyed . It ,means that dogs canflot be permitted at large, either with or without muzzles, and, that they, must be confined. so securely that they cannot escape. The exercising of dogs except on leash, is prohibited. No evasion of the order will be. countenanced. CL.2OYD C. McGUIRE, Chie f of Police. series to be given next Wedne.sday night: (September 2) at -Wilmette,'s beautifuil newwater works esplanade overlooking Lake Michigan. Once more wielding..the baton on the occasion of the grand finale, will be the rangements for the final concert in the popular young maestro, IzIer, Solomon, grains -enthusiastic whoee appearances, on the earlier prohave won bim, a large and f ollowing of north shore music, loyers. S M r. -. Solomnons with success the Parochial Schools Set 1Sept. 8 as Opening Date Wilniette's.two parochial grade schools will be opened for the fal terni on Tuesday, September 8, the day aftér Labor day, it was announced this week by the Rev. J. A. Neumann, pastor of St. Josephs church, and by the Rev. Bernard B.rady, pastor of St. Francis-Xavier's. The school of the làtter church, Ninth street and. Linden avenue, is. con- an invitation__for, him to appear as Waliter C. Farrar Chicago, Symphony orchestrai His' masterly handling of one of America's great musical organizations Wilmette concerts regulted recently in gueat conductor at. Grant park with the on this occasion, won for him the praise of leading music critics and the enthuestimated at more than 50,000 on the occasion of his debut in Grant park. siastic acclaim of an audience which was wiUl luI addition, in order to make bookbuying easier, and to allow students an opportunity to avoid the usual first-day rush, the book store* will be open on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings of the week before. the beginning of school. The store, it , was explained, car(Continued on Page 4) UC Uopen lter U5clase loe An Evanston garden will be 'the' setting for the August 29 meeting of the Saturday sketch class of theNorth Shore Art league. Mrs. jobulston A. Bowman of 2219 Orringtonl avenue is providing flot only the, garden but also a model for those of the group who wish to paint a model against a lovely background. HOME FROM VACATION the Harold F. Tideman's daughters, have both returned to Kenilworth, Catherine from a visit with Marion Peterson at the J. A. Peterson's summer home at Mercer, Wis., and Mar-. garet, froni Warwick camp where she a su-conilor. was Catherine and Margaret Tidenian, /unong the numbers announced 101 the final concert are: the overture te "The Bartered Bride" by Smetana, MacDowell's "Suite," and three Wagneran excerpts, "The Ride of the Vaîkyries," "The Magic Fire. Speil" and the Overture to "Tannhauser." C. Farrar, 1210 Greenwood avenue wbo je serving as chairman of arrangements for the Wilmette Con(LContinued on Page 9) -Walter where tney visited Mvrs. Mvjcangl niother, Mrs. A. M. Cleveland, ai eoi:the chairman by the Wornan's Club of ,Wllmeëtte. summer home. Philip Jr. and i W mother, and Mrs. Melangton spent nine weeks with their gr; Note:. Econiomy Shop Io conducted thet Charles were there for a monthè meen Maryi crossing.