Deadline for IUSertuon-Clasifi advertisexpents will be acWILMETTE LIPE or ail three papers. Wedniesday 9 P. M. >for WjNNETKýA TALK and Thuraday 5 P. M. for GLENCOFI NEWS. Telephones - Wilmette 4800, -Wnnetka,2000, (Winiietka 500 after 6 P-.., reehleaf 4300 'or Oheldrake 1216-1217. USED CAR MARGAINS prefl ferred. Replies should state age, experLence, referenees, and. salary. required. .Write A-127, Box 60, Wiliette, Ill. ---utuniiAxieperience QLALITY"AiCADILLAC Is.Reflected in, Thes.e STOP 17q'Olt PHEONE TODAY '36 CADILLAC series 60, 4 door sedan touring, side -mounts,' métal tire covers. Luxurlous black finish, whipcordl upholstery,. radio., Driven only 4500 miles. Will seli at a price. See us today. '34,-PACKARD super club sedan.. 6 wire whecls, fender wells, métal. tire covers.« Bulît in trunk,, black finish. Mechanically perfect. Low mileage................. $1,245 '35 LA SALLE4 door touring sedan. Llght green finish like new. Broadcloth upholstery, 5 steel wheels. Bulit in. trunk. A Cadillace value for oui>" '34. CADILLAC 5 pase.'sedan. Beautifiul *LEGAL NOTICES<É NOT RESPONSIBLE FORý DEBTS contracted by anyone other than myself. (Signed) David J. Wood. -WE S9PECIALIZE IN' HIGH G RADE COMPE'TENT WHITE HELP WANT2L16-itp domestie help, ail nationalities. No .d Wlth good ref. Apply >In person. charge to' employers. References lnLOST AND poUND, ALL EMPLOYMENTI SERVIdCE vestigated..Unïder State supervision. 963 Vernon Ave. Gloncoe. *5 I1LTNI4-tfe FOR' ReTURN DAMND(IRCLE 748 Elm St. Wlnnetka 3399 WOMAN 0F GOOD CHARACTER. TO pin lost .Tuly. 26, vicinity Exmoor. stay wvith 2 children Thurs. 5-10. p. m.; 68LT.N28-fe Sat. ('ountry Club or Glencoe. »Plione '.%r. 7-10:30 p. m.;, Sun. 11-4. 25e hr., Van Buren, Wabash 2288.. 3LTNb-1t> Ref., Wlrite A-120ý Box 66, wilniette, 111. 71LT.N16-ltip SUPERIOIR DOMESTIc HELP EXP. W H I T EGILGENERAL ANSWVERS TONA100F"LADY"> Anew service te North Shore Homes. housework,,plain cooktng,, no heavy Lost 3veek ago LSaturday. linnetka ef. thorough]Y Investlgated. Strictly laundry. 5 adulte, smallc house. Own 1214. 1 3LT:N16-ltp under State- supervision.---room and bath. 303 Fairview A ve.. Win1137 Central Avé. wIlmet FOUND - SMALL 1056 .SI1ZFD netka 852. GIRL'S ROCXRQLD BLDG.L bfyl.MnV have sanie by payment EXPÈRIENCEI) WHITpt uiau, V,01% of this ad. Phi. 'Wilmjette 216)8. generai housework and laundry: 2 3LTNL6-ltp ï.WANztID-WC adulte, 2 children. Referenees required. Nusi ,cookin $8 to $10 a. wk. Ph. Greenleaf ý0-m4. lauryo ANTI VUK plain sE 71LTNi6'-ltP MY ANNUTAL AUGUS'r DISCOUNT and teas a specil Sale bringe rémarkabie values in go any.where. Glei antiques: furniture, prints, old china -4tpl WHITrE, GIRL FOR GEN. 'HOUSEand glassware. An early selection is FR work. No laundry. Ph. Glencoe 1570. advised. Mary Ann Dicke, 922 Chicago 416 Ave.. Evanston. 1T1lt 7LTN16-ltp Ask L 6t f-or "Mn SPECIAL PRICES FOR AUCWST -IWHITE WOMAN, GEN. HSWI<.. SOME laundry'. Afternoons througl idnner. HIGIH il AND OLMuet be good cook. Small home near leoge1 ate wisl rhic- station. Phone Wilniette 1981. Lindwall's, 808 Oak Street, Winn. 14.- geini'al work. V SITUATION WANNTEV§--EMALE EXPERIENÇED HELP Reîinhart Empi.'Agency GENERAL HOUSEMAID, W H I T E. Prot. 2 adulte and *2. children. No washing. , 6 roorn house. Own room and bath. 900 Greenwoëd, Wlnnetka 3838. $100 REWARD LOST-IRISH SETTE"R Ludille-'s Placement Bureau ,L uve wheels, ering. A r, . se . 5 ýry, 5 ect lark ANTIQUES brunk BOARDING Flftee*i years of service te RIS MAJESTY. YOUR DOG eplarate quarters for each dog. Speeial 2171i Linden Term. Davis 7777 634 Davis Evanston, 111. 66LTN3-tfc >-MWH] 50 G wÊ Ager LLMAIDS WANTEL meoCouples. Carlson' Elm' St., Winn. 3e' 71LI AID FOR (; EN, 12 adulte and 2( Own ro( position. J34 YS&L...... .6-1 te (Ai. dren. 1810 RIDGE AVE., EVANSTOIý Wilmette 956 Winnetka1 77A-LýTN16 CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPAI ,7 & 10, $15 qS TO $135 )D POSITIONc St Phone .Mfl 7 JU7, te 3696. aiiY 08V 818 8128 5-tfc I I e whi be dan '29 148 Em .Agency 7gLTN16-ltc »? U-LTNIO-ltp -TIlt