Followi gaMonth of pro- Conter Programi for ,Next Month i Asks for Confribùlfions Nôw that , uburban gardens are club and the garden departinent .of 1the.,WNininetka Wonian's club, the Skokie chapter of ýthe Glencoe Ga.rdeîi:club, and the, Kenilworth'. junior Garden club wîll. during.the month of -,eptentber. divide ýthe respO'nieýpibility of providing. the* pro-.»raMns of, the. North Shore Car-, 4gncent er.. aiTuesdav TalkU- are to e ge rmç»rnitng%at 10-:30 b authoriies t:11 various phases ol %zardening.aninwho are iiterfe-d ini the' subjiect. under discussioni are urgeL1ti t attend prrtns. fo'r «hich no chargre i the arranged by the Winnettrams a CGarden made- The center bas its headquarters in iWtnnetka Connmunt,.-Houise. Slides will illustrate the' talk Miss E.M. E4kenherg wil! ive Tuesdav mwnting. Septenîher 1, The speaker. a represent.l:Ilçe- oNf the'Mr4tha Sweet Lime cempi-iv. will have~e Earth- as ber sSetThc -sendof thsenonths pr-zamis ï, - .s5 -harpee::v ctn Tes the Davr -eTe eva xot f hese prrc'cras : veN blooming again after the plentiftîl rains of the past week, an appeal1 gocs. Wcaring the peari. satin wedout to 'theý residents of Wiltnette on behalf ofi-he 1eës fortgnate people. i ding gown of her sister, Zoe, a the congested districts- of Chicago. On Tues-day, Wihnette is .asked to hride of >last yeair Who îs nowv contribute flowers, fruits, and vege- Mrs. Daniel Hogan, the ôformer '~j tabes tobe istriutd by the Chi- Franices Rita, Guerouit Was mT Chiicago to Cari A fred cago Plant; Flowerand Fruit'Guild redi to .the s'arious bospitals, orphanages, alo,. o f.M.a ,Ms fM.adMs o day nurseries and community centers Crsn in th-e tbickly populated areas of Carl -Carlson of 208 Oxford road. Kcn.l'worth, on Saturdayý,. AuiChicago. 7, ý.,nvone, wishingto contribute mfay gut)22 cal Mrs., John Mills (Wilmette 54 reception followThere was a guîld chairman for the Wilmette. crmnyfrheimdth n Monday before club, Es ening Garden at the home oi. the evening. and'donations will be piclkcd ate.,families only, up - s that they illbeat heNrth brîde's father and motlher, MMr.. and. '\ estern station before 9 >o'clock'Mirs. M., Edward Guerouit of ChiTuesday morning. Or contributors cago. A long 'tulle veil with a face mias take their offering to the sta- veil held in place *by a braided coritln. and Earl Orner, station. agent, onet cap, and a bouquet of files of vifl see that it is put on the proper the vatley, -witae roses, and gatdenias, completed ber costume. train. Mrs. Albert 1 Bono (Mfary GuerMoffett Phc't<% &.. ~oult) who was ber sister's matron of1 m.wv'~'rt s'w-' ~rj and only attendant, was gowned ~ F ~ 'r,.~ ~àanc4 D,.j.umAliçe blue chiffon and wore a juliet cap of blue net with blue flower Pospone ~ ,-~honor digCw W w o d igG W Marriage, Aug.' 22 o * .- ridabouquet- of su-nmer flowers_ vellow predominatinw. With stalmost its f o few a it\Vh only MNrs. Carison -%as educated at De % ýs-7- zgoIlers attempting to play dur&c;aLyo and 'the universitv Paul none z :n Tesdav*s storm, and with Gues Da to ept 15 IN~.'~ petals covering the crown. She car- -with " maps ~a lie the sS~es pr~am.and Mty- '-~1c' 'e-t 'e N. S. Women Serve on Conference Commiffees z7--" If f M n tbeïr re turn troin to Esitesprk.thýe-v wvill miake ithe:r ,ýire. er:qalifying rouînd for. --.---'1'2lcnship.This 'il conc' !-'cut the week. Also on wiiplay the' third rounid Lois:Tucker, Vosh tournamiient. vhc -* etemer 1. the wvoinen the speaker !.. e~ 'a c' %-!! Ie i plant -. ~ -- '" The last -7c:--- 7-. V e' een. played Tulesdav oi Run ner-Up. in Golf Tournament a - .- ~ - - - .. e -A-V V a ls' X hse-. r ~e &~sannual Labor Day, din-. MisDorotlisv l',l ciE.c 'l 'f-e h azt large Social evelit ýc.itcdMiî,ss L[ois Ticker fW'e 12:-rvezt Homte dance lit 2.1 ald 1 for Ilie wmrscacs~ and tela a: aw-r i.'tt rTcz %- -- * . ~ '- - - Iliu 4 ~~~~~IanMmI.2 Xrs~ arun i fe:aand ht' ýýh ' wý' ' bt'e i t' S1 -rs meesxs oi the' comitg rc,~ C1b ~sid'~LMr-,- e Tehsurs4Kayc. Septemiber %,at i ,3 . A Mor~-,i. t~ b: Ms. The înlc,.he,.church.. garow Viser. mm Arthurr C. -Aeý, Fr -z~ ans*m Preeds i aer'e eies-ed e.I h's~o o tetoxlie',eand iru~r ud Sze P*es~~rs~ w-Z -. ' g fîw 11 liotisr party a.t thse home Qi 44e i t . Cantdichr g e ,s sinclnded MîvAlie 1'oter. NMary-Loo. Betty \Iiie, ~ouhIRi%ýcrts and P1",i ~IotI~ Vuîc'k.. nt Eeancr Hc'rhou ,o.u .I ai wel.andiCale