C fUWiWi- -- - -- - The sewing con.mnittee of the N,6rth Shore* auxiliary of.. the Chicago Maternity çenter miet for tea on .WednesdaNy at 'the homne of -the sewýing chairman., Mrs. H. E. Mueller. 2806 Lincolin street, Evanston. . Plans were disCussed 'for .the sewvIng, ,fornext vear.- when the group will meet once, a mnonth to makze layettes. Serving on,. Mrs. 'M\ueIler*'s committee are: Mrs. Harold H. ýAnderson and ber assistant. Mirs. James .. linn., Mrs. F. N. Peters and assist-ý ant, Mrs A. ý. Lonberg. N.rs. F. C. Snow and assistant. Mrs. C. W. Toel, Mrs. L.. B. Wheelock. Mrs. Burt Ingwierson andi asistant. Mta. Fred The lovely la.wn at the home of Mrs. Herman R. Paulick, 437 Woodlawn 'avenue, Glencoe, is the atOne of the most important tractivesetting for the dessert bridge .which. the North Shore Catholic'- .Musical entertainflents e e r 'WQian's.lageis plàri*ing for undertaken by enlisti'ngý the tal*Tue-ýday afternoéon,1 September 15. ent of, the younger. musicians ar-. of, charge inof Glencoe is being' planned for The comimittee Mrs. chairman .its as s ba rangements dnesday, Septhe evening of We. *Frederick UG. Mlurbacb of M.Winiletka..l tember .9.' Sixteen ,y oung men assisted by ber cochairmen, :. rs. coope ra te in a A. Huncke of HighlIand Park. and and wvomeni will1 wvill Mrs. J. J, Donaghy of *WNiiietka,. concert program, which ui 9rvdn togetber wit MrÉs,. Paulick and 'Mrs.. benefit the fund B. X. Brockînanof Glencoe. con-ý services. testant .for the Pro No detail is being overlooked bv ducted by, the Re.v. Nelon Hait the.ceommittee to.. make this party at the Veteran's1 hospital at an enijoyýable oiie. it is reported. and Great Lakes. The- benefit wvill those in -charge ask that tbe :meinUnion bers. of the league and thée.ir friend-& beheld at the Glencoe 'for 8:15,o'clock. 15. at church Septemnber> date., the reserve Play for Benefit - 1V. Ploger, and Mrs. 61E. M. Polakof. Theý members of the cutting conimittee inchide:ý Mrs. Garrick Alex. Mrs. Paul Heinecke. Mrs.. Ralph Huck, Mrs. Beecher Hungerford. Mrs. C. Raymond Johnson,.1Mrs. J ames H. IliIiken. Mrs. Claytoni Suer, and'Mrs. Frank Suttle. Mrs. L., V. Stephenson is chairman of this group. The~ finance committee also met re- -i r. T. IFelier Kionbali.the Piaeuwl (Ipfointed Keptil-zi'orth chalisan tif the Chicago City Opera co,,aititec. opeiied hcr home. 333 Leicester rood, Keptilziorth, 0on .losday for a tea. The guests were the piortis 0 shsore -workcrs asssth.sg .j»the 1 3ô ibs-riptl*tlticamp'aiPl. vjca Sunbeam 'League f0 Celebrate e Annvrsary Among those taking part in the prgyam ae Miss Mildred Muten and William C. Miller, Jr., who ivili sing a group of songs each. Miss Pauline Manchester and Miss Mar. garetý Loomis will provide the, piano~ numbers There will also be chamber, music jy an ensemble the members of wbich %vill be Miss Marjory Lynn, John Grant and Miss PolIy Birdsall, playing the violin, Miss Becky Miller and Mirs. Edmunci R. Landis. president oi the Sunbeam League of Chicago. entertained at luncheon at Exmoor Country club Wednesday of .tbis week for the members of tbis and last esciames G.ordonLanning, ikof. Artbur King. Thomas M. Mickey. George Ross, rvan, Gustai Schwarz. Ade r, George Turnbull. Phillip .cd Schroeder. and Mtiss r r Smithn Gertrude I.amm Thit prtvram conmittee this vear tbe Mesdames M.L N. Ford. Earl Cooper, Mrs. Walter Davis Mirs. Leis Cohien wil open her * l'* Ll-.. himn mde.sca home at 266 Hazel avenue. Highland FaryJ Park,.Nionday, August 31. to the is in charge of arrangements for the nortb shore members of the Chicago <ac. Citv Opera committee. for their weekIV tea. This week's meeting took place at the home ofi Mrs. T. Weller Kîmbali. in Kenilworth. and Jason Wb'itne-v. Wins Scholorsliip ______________ nr-zdet ofthe ODer2 -nmfl2lv. an- by Ms jean Watson and Spiro' Miss Gertrude Smith will Mann. sing and will play the tinte. Completing the program will be an accordion duet bv Edward Younglove and Robert Bennett. .The concert is the first in which. Most of the available musical talent of Glencoe's youîig people bas been l)rougbt together at one time for a single program, and those sponsoring the beniefit anticipate that it .will at- Has Luncheo M ~7 CurnMrs. Grant Ridge* betland avenue. Keeîlworth. entertined ber bridge club ;t luncheon on' Phiu sorority ofthte Dois. of the Alp iversýity of Il to Vasuar Coliege by ,rnac organsations. d, Her extra-curricular activittes inclass, and secretaryshlp of the Girls club in her senîir year. This spriiig and r- she took part in the "Mikado , ilhas been cast in plys as, well as musical productions. cluded the presidency of the junior