miaiçls, and Robert Schlneidler, trhe brother, and John Wilson of groomn's Xhiting. mnd., will atténd Mr. Schneider. Miss Regan and Miss Schneider were hostesses, at a linen shower given, at the home of Miss Regan on Tuesdaày evening -of last week. and; friends wbo are employed.,With Miss Rowley a .A Pierce andco an entertained for ber at, a lunicheon and mniscellanieous shower ,at the. Palmer House on Saturday. After'the 1reception,,Mr. Schneider and bis bride will1 leave for a fortnligbt'gs wedding trip..tbrougb tbe Soutb,' stopping at. Chattanouga,-Nfew Orleans, Houston, andthe Ceitennial at Dallas., Rebecca Miller fo Be Seplemnber Bride> Septcm ber, 1Ilithe üweddsng dajy ,of Miss Adella Rowley, dauýghter of, Mir. andMrs. Frank A. Rowley of tF. Crystai lake, .and ,,William Schneider, soit of Mr.'and Mrs. WVilliams J. Schneider-of Glencoe. The marriage wiilI take . place at Crystal lake, and Mr. Schneider alid his bride will go South on their w ~edding tip'. project, the dte and otner details are yet to be decided by Mis. Jonesad ber. assistants. Mrs. Norris Emýbry, second vice president, was appointed bospitalityý chairman;, Mrs. James A. King, publicity chairman; Mrs. Gleni MacCaddami, tran sportation chairman;- Mrs. James Wilbelm, courtesy,- chairman, and Mrs. William McGoodwin, auditor. Mrs. Avery wiIl cail the society tIogether. for ïts first fali meeting Fniday,* Sept. 18, and plans for« the fal time. benefit will be .discussed atat and tormal suits in street iengths sheer velvet, for daytime -and cveningPanne for smnart afternoon frocks ... fancy varieties such as in dotted velIvet, cross-barred 'velvet and velvet with gold dots ïmpress -designers fabrie is so popular' because. of.its adaptability to the: ,Directoire, Edwardian and'othefr luxprions. fashions highlighted. for. fali. .. *..this- Florence' 333 Park A.venue. Gleor. ig Il ma h kà,un nnàas;er.and aiviu oni th'. V't Among the first of the fail weddings in. Glencoe will be the marriage1 of Miss Rebecca (Becky) Miller,i (Co>atribitted) daugbter of MIr. and Mrs. William] Cort Millet, 795 Grove street. and' Beneath widespread trees, casting Davis Child Greene, son of G:eorge their sbadows over spacious gardens, Th-e approximately 2001 gathered a week G. Green of Highland Park. J Many G'iwsts Attend Catholic Club Benefil ruts j Miss M.Niller bas asked Miss Elizabeth Chabannes,' bler roommate at Grinnell college, to b)e ber maid of honor, and Miss Mary Eaton, a classmate at Grinneli, to be a bridesmiaid, Both girls are* front Des Moines, Iowa. Tbe'other bidesniaids will be, Miss NelI Waymian of Hubbard Woods, anid Miss Theda Child of *Chicago, formerly of Glencoe. Alden (Greene wiII serve bis. broth- church buildinig fund. The party was the first of a senies of entertaiuments to be given for the building fund. .Tables were scattered bere and there tbrougb the garclens, and ligbt refreshments were served by a group of the north shore younger set. Amonig those asýistIng were Miss Jjule Lavanaugh. Miss~~ Edith Coyne, tui mea beneht oi ai. r rancts Aavler tune witflyongideas-ead bcom,iug to everyone. Whier you want, a coul' for school or l'o add a high spot' l'o a seéson in town, you'Il find bore t'he perfect mod'elluxurious in pelfry, beaul'ifuI in workmanship, and surprisigly Iow in price. Suck furs as. Grey Porsian, Blackc Persian, Grey Dyed Lamb, Kolinsky, Black and Grey Caracul, Beaver, Leopard Cal', Lapin and many others. Aurora ai an ston w )nnors of Ev- 12!)V QUUstock usner. avenue, fo'r.the past three weeks.