Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1936, p. 1

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2,ren dum Voe Higherest WilI Be Convertedto Pri.1nary Grades; Actioni Follows Conferences Wilmnette's Aive public schools. wiîtb anl estimated enrolîment, of1 1.600 students, will open on Monday, September 14., it 'was, annouinced., this week, at the office of Superintendent J. Robb H4arper. Principal change, made ýthis year will be the' conversion of the, Highcrest schoo1 at Twenty-third street and linois road. intoý a primary school. with kindergarten and first, second, . and third. grades. The- territorv inclu ded ini the new subdîstrict for'these children will be Indian H-ill estates, Kenitworth Gardens, The action was taken. it was explaine(l, in order to provide better facilities for the children. Fornierly; when; ail grades were tauight at Highcrest, two and three grades were taughit in one rooni. Bus Service The Teaction was taken following a series of conferences hetween miembers of the board of education and the par-v ents in the district west of Ridge r.oad. Robinson, director, issued an appeal to residents of the village who are interested - in that- Une of worik to apply at the office, 1131 Greenleaf, avenue, between nine.o'clock ini the morning and.nooni. YOU, Must Register: .or Lose Yu oe Citizens of -this village areavised that re.gistration days in the towns. for the Presi*Jentiali Country 2lection have'ibeen set at..Septomber Z6 and October 6. YOu cannot v*te in the. Novemiber election uniess you have reg- Liquor Sales in No-Man's-Land Legal, là Opinion;, Tavern Kèéeper Seeksa Injun.ction BranchStation oPost Office. .,Is Aut.horized Opening o a sub-station of the Wilmette post office on September 1, at the Gordian Book store, 338 Linden avenu e, was announced this. week by Herbert L. O'Connell, postmaster. The announcemient fo!llowed the authorizationi of thle station~. on àa contract basis. 1w J. 'M. Donaldson, acting first assistant postmnaster-general. The new substation will handle stamps, money orders. regîstered mail, and parcel post. .Action on1 the project was inaugurated several months ago by Postmaster O'Connell at the rcquest of the mnembers of the "L" Terminal Business «Men's association.-. Liquor, sales in No-Idan's-Land, and other unincorporated portions, of New Trier township, in spite of the 4 t6 1' dry vote of .the residenits of those territories, two years ago, are legal, it. was held last Saturday, by Master in. Cbancery'Hairold E. Sullivan cof Persons entitled to vote '.but who the Circuit court. -Iil be out of town on both the Sbould the master's findings. beap-, designated registration> days are: proved by Judge John Prystalski. and adviÉed that-they can. arrange to upheld on appeal. the sale, of intoxi-. register by- appflying to the County cating - beverages. canneot be banned Clerk at the- Counity buildihg, .Chiotside the, limits ýof the villages of Winnetka, Kenilworth, cago. Thie County Clerk will fur- Wilmette, nlish affidavits which must be filed Glencoe, and the part of Evanston with him, 'anid he will provide al inside the townlship limits. iniform-ation concerning compiétion The master's opinion was made in af registration. Application mpust recommendinz an injunction to rebe made by the. voter ini person. strain the state and county liquor commissioners, the state's attorney, and the sherif from interfering with the business of a tavérn located a Dr. Allison to Preach feet west of the village limits at Ce-nbined Services few of Glencoe, near the intersection of Dr. George L). Allison of the WiI- Dundlee road and Hohifelder lane, and mette EB' ptist chu.rch, will preach onerated in tbe name of one Herbert another in bis series of summer sermoii--atunioni services in the. First ahove iii flue Hi.ghcrest district. Keniliyorth Gardtens. and Inclian Hill1 estates. 'will go to the Arthur H.. Howard school. Spencer âvenue and Seventeenth street. The John A. Logan school, Central and Prairie avenues. which also has for miany years been a primary school, wliI include kindergarten, and first to fourth grades. The Logan school district is bounded hy Lake avenue, Fi fteenth street. Isabella street, and the Chicago and North WVestern railway tracks. A.* UUI QL1 - mn*inus of the Chicago Rapid Transit uines, but also the residential section ini the southeastern part of the village, whichlinow hlas ino postal station facilities.- tion al churches. have heen holding these uniited services during juIy and August. The final combined worship will be held Sunday. September 6, wvith Dr. Allison in the pulpit. Taxpayers Urged to Pay Local Colle ctor; Books Go Baick Soon Village Manager George. Richmond Young a fortnight ago announced the receipt of a letter from Clayton Smýlit h. president of the county commissioners and of the county liquor boaýrd, stating that Smith's license was to be revoked. qui-a HcnamadGawen ..... 42 40 ............ Rm.1Est Riscreati*on ......... 8 5w 11 >Labor day, it was added.' i ..................... v uesaay, September 8, th day. Society Pages ..... 3036 Ly back.

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