Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1936, p. 28

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it. The big flag is also flying on the Liberty pole, wbich is nent m in taking care of lis xamuly. lu the "îIsi right alongsidc the blacksmitb ' ~ * mot 'raiil theeditor by Tuesda aoon zo .c in urne for: r counitries this is not possible. He.is bound in a >/ shop, but you can't sec it on thae current ime. devilish slavcry which he cannot escape. He is acco.unt it is behind the,.store,. told w.herc and when he must work. wif bout re-w in àa sort ofý alley. Bing AIgard to bis, personalI con.venience or comfort. He IT'S EASY paugh , the towni marshal, cannot quit ýoie job) and go, to another. He bas* bis brother-in-laàv, deputized the of president elected C.W. Kellogg. newly aîothing to say about the compensation be recei.ves. to.help handie emtper,. AndyK " observed: Edison Electrice Institu.te, ieccntly -ùom!issar. or a bureaucrat dictafes bis . work Abid us a royal to came .at! th that evils cromils he fhl, the chcering have alwavs feit.. and. stili do, have arisen. in the past in connect ion with holding, and bis 'future according to an "'conom'cé plan" nceding anticipate doesn't he says Binig welcome. fteç by. person 1switbout a semblance of symdra Federal the by Tomorrow companies should be: regulated patby for lîim, his wife or his childrcn. Is -that ;any hclp to bandie ?em when wc leave., government, but I object to'the 'Alice ini Wonder1 am reaso.n the is the first of, two big days, and whîafthe Atnicrica.nworking- man would like f0 land' mecthod, of 'off with bis bead.' as the unibrinig about in this counfry? here' is to assist in the rhetorical display, of th 1e versai-wav of regulati ng matters. It is often Our fiewspapers and periodicals arc, still free.. occasion. We: told Jake1 Brimmer that, and Jake casier to kili sornething than to> regulate it, but it give> their readers the trutli about governnîient Before f0 said :he didn't knoýw about that rhetorical 1s tuif, is not always the most intelligent.solution. Russia. in, newspaper No, thingscIsc.. ail and the government destrcys the Public utility holding but be'd bet we could make a speech, because he. Germany or Italy dares to print anything not companies, itishould*have a clear idea of how the heard us recite "CurfewShall Not Ring Tonight" approved.by fh,e person set up to control "inforfutnction;thcy perform can.be'performed by.the wYhen -we iv7ere only a kid, and he bas. never forsmall parts intowhich -the 'death sentence' %vould ination.* gotten it. Well. so long. Uni due at a fried chickenl break up their proPerties, It should lie sure oi The destructioni of churches and cathedrals in counthe *dinner. thte angwr it can rnakce in later vears te those counfries now knee deep ini'philiJsôpiîical sumers whose electrical service suffers or fails for Amceriçan's The Phantoni Reporter the t contrast sorry experîments is ini 0 dictafes the lack of equity flnancing. It should be decided after God "worship protected righit to beforchand Nvhat it mill say to the bond investor of his c.wn conscience,* or tô tiot worship Hian atThe Phantoni Reporter's Marchiing Club 'xaS as f0 where be is to look for the protection of aIl. his bond. It should studv carefullý and with openi prepared carly this week to swoop down upow lIn view of these things, isn't if the part of Nvisas to mind, not blinded byv hate. the figures. frolic in1(loin for us to look af the others and find out, Yates Cjty, f0 participate in the general what the holding companies have actually dlone af .wh-Iicli Festival cident to the Goldenî Harvest what they are actually accornplishing toward the before destroyïng such a useful public servant.objective of greater lîuman happiness. peace and the P. R. %vas slated as guest of hionor. Tlie èluh) The Public Utility Act of 1935 is ino%% in the conifort?ý So far, thev haven't sliown mnucli but,,. howevèr, disbanded »ini more or less c onfusion courts, and in due tiie the Suprerne Court will L -- TO KILL. *remain, and be as vociferous as eýver. answerlflg. And thec ized as fr-ving pan, If -we nmust hiave hecat. ftake it (bult 'lot like if) on the north shiore. el potent questions 'Mr. Kellogg raises Nvill stilli need;. No less a public officiai thani David Lilieiti1 of TVA farne lias publiclv pointed 'to the, finle work donc by holding companies in building up the electric industry in this countrv., AuthoritieN have testifled that the vast fi,îancing requircd both f0 develop the industry and to keep if go-. ing would have beeti impossible without tbe holding company, Destrov the boldinig company DICTATORS ARE LOVELY. An Associated Press dispafch from Berlin reports that an editor of a well-known Gernianl newspaper bas been sentenced to lite imprisonmlent for "Ihigli treaso&'. The dispatch added tîat, no officiaI explatnation. was given as f0 just what he bad donc to merit sucb severe puishnient. but that nienibers of the foreign press corps 4 * *ý: -\r. Farlü%- asserts that Canîdidate 'Landows Eastern, tour lias doune the 'New~ Deal cause no rend of good. MNr. Farley sliould get hinîself a vaude,ville contract early next year. Or is lie bettur suited to the circtis ringmiaste'sart? they are advocating for America is ieyona comnprehensionl, when it is 80 easy f0 sec what bas happened in Russia under Cotnrunism, in Italy under Fascism, and ini Germany under Nazi-ism. There are to be found the proving grounds of the recommendii îeg the New method ofr have been n -paign ycar. et work relief, about the lasf pull impliedujthe Dulk ofthfe Leke-ites. s to stand on, as a permanent unemployment. They aight siderate, especially in a cam- Be sure to register cither September 26 or October 6 if you wanf to cast a ballot in November! * -SBSTITUTI

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