1 cwowqý I RUGS*eCARPE1'SoLAMPS l'al A LARGE SELECTIVE STOCK, of the NEWEST STYLES,. embodying the' CUL TURED GHARM and LUXURJOUS, COMFORT.found onl AinCHARACTE,? MERCHANDISE.. Studio WAREHOUSE PRICES. irs specially Featured'inthis Oî>ening Sale Chairs, Lounging Chairs, Sofas, Love Set.Featuring the Popular 18th CentuirY; Moderne; Classic and English styles, in beaiutifuI selected Friezes, Antique Velvets, Brocatelles, Dam*asks, Mohairs andi Tapestries. Furniture Mart Samples Living Room. Suites, Occasional Av.. Phône Wilmette 3Z t'