eunouftes -6.,op.nlng of informai Cwlldren 06 1Wlaart for &aduis'end onSep#Ïmber hforwh lb... groupq &ré planimud for peope "0' wish f.o'Continu their attistic fi qplpmant end forUh..who have b.d no previoue oxprince Our fées Inchide ail orinary, matmlab, s. brng onIty yourseif end y.. m@nck 614 DAVIS ST. GR*nleaf 1035 UCafharine Lords Studio AU... endLike If Ma.o*rie NEMI, $1.5 1910-11 are pitilessly uncovered and at, the end the reader is left with a tragic sense of the tremendous forcés that made the -coming of- war aLid social chaos inevitable. The first part reveals the economic currents that'led to the abortive general strike of 1910-a, strike which proved tliat neot even the massed power of the working-class icould avert. the catastrophe. Here. too, are laid bare the significant machinations of an armaments-manu facturer .whose 'activities .were world-wide, and ýsecret." One, is taken behind the scenes in..the diplomfatic, chancelleries, and government offices, and, watcbes men toy with the dynamite of international intrigue. The second section ig intense draina. The reader follows the efforts of Caillax anid bis .miinsters to asvoid an, outbreak of hostilities, and suffers through the great ciisis of Agadir. But there is more to the volume than Every side of politics and strife. Romains' art is seen to advantage. He imparts rjch comedy to specific incidents, and draws with a deft touch the life of hutnan beings. A young idealist finds himself involved.. in what is almost an adventure story for boys. The 1Jiut off the press. this' week ie "A fter the New Deal Whatl-" byl ThomaW Normiar Tho mas. ,Mo'. boo 'k is one-ofthie imPortant off erhigs oni the' MacJuillan Publication list for the early fl anda lote suienier book tfrde. Kallen Makes Study of Consumer Cooperalive In Thse Declûte and Rise of the Contsumer (Appleton-Century>, Dr. Horace M., Kallen, noted writer on social and economic subjects and Professor at the New School for Social Research, New pearedlast arch, -but irrespective of publication, date, don't miss it. The novel is one of the finest pieces of .fiction I have corne across in the past six months.ý The. theme, of the- story i the tracing of the complex tangle of motives prompting the..decisions in local government in a southeast, section, of Yorkshire in England, and. the unforeseen consequences of> those decisi ons as they are enacted into lawv and commence to, affect and. change the lives of. human beings.. The philosophy embodied in the tale is a refutation of the old Spanish proverb-"2,take what You want. Sarah Take it--and.. pay for it." Burton. curly haired, energetic headmistress of the Kiplington 111gb, School for Girls, finds' at 'long last that the costliest tliings in life are flot the ones for which those who take eait pay. Close to 200 characters crowd the brilliantly hu man pages of the book, brilliant with the insight of a tbirtyseven vear old writer mortally ill. Winifred I{oltby died September 29, 1935. Iess than a month after she finished "South Riding," -the last flic 936 Atlantc $10,000 Prîze Winner stage Sucems I. J. Singer, the author of The Brothers Ashkenasi, which Alfred A. Knopf published on August 17. is already known in this country as the author of Voshe Kalb, a play of Jewish life which brave gaiety of the the very extensive cooperative move- -calcliun,the unconquered spirit. held Winifred WXNUW VNETrgr< nent ini European countries. Interest ini cooperation has been further stimulated by Marquis W. Child's much discussed Su'ede.î: The Middle Wav, in which much of the credit for the relatively prosperous condition of that country is ascribed to its strong co- 82.50 1*qýtby .back froni the grave and to its making . . . It is a triumph of persQnality, a testament of its atithor's undaunted philosophy." The words are flot eiçaggerated. The story is a stimulating, stern account of English local government, social reform. andi ail the human, striving and heartbreak that livinge wvent Ré04 tn*.AdsI 07. ture Rn the i