ut Tots' Brut waIking sboe lu whbi te,. smoked elk. brown elk or patent Jeather. Sliés à2 to 6, I to a and 8% to 12. OFF ý.RECULAR PRICES'1 OnIy twice. a year do we offer these. famous children's shoes. at a discount! A complete range of sizes for every age child, as well as popular' new styles fo>r growiug,,gi$r3s. Rçmember, these are brand new, 1936 fali models. Every pair in our stock reduced, so buy your school shoes now to last ail winter! SIZE REGIJIAR PRUCE 2 o6......... 6V/2 l'......... 8V/2 l'o F2........ .M 3.25 3.75 1hï 8 fo 12 ....... 4M0 $2.0 260 3.00 3.20 3.20 3.96 H 1gh sho. for achool, cf brwn or bl1a e kNwitb ùbrsl p. Propey deslgned for 12V2 to 3........ 12/ 2 to 3.:....... GROWING GIRLS 3 ............ 4.00 4.50' 4.00 4.95 3 l'o 8.......... In~ sturdy .1k with sharkskln tlp. Dulit te stand Iota. of bard wear. Brown or blaclL 0Our clasl oxford THti NÊW SI1WPLEX NOBBIES A ROw ghflhle td for girls coines in brown cait with strong soles. ru*ber beels. Thea. AUGIUST -27,11936