tions figures with reports of the Exchange Telegraph- company of London, miade public by C. R. Smith, president of American A irlines. On the, basis of, the Britisb reports, Smith said, American ,Airlines, Inc., largest of the domestic air transport cômpanies, alone 'flew 50.6 per cent more*miles than ýal the British conpanies combined-inteînal, continental, and empire-and carried 24.3 per cent, more passengers 57.6 per cent more passenger.iles Leaves No Do.bt "The Exchange Telegraph coinpany's report leaves no doubt as to Wisconsin and Michià;an.______ the United States' margin of leadership in commercial air transporta-_ tion," beý said. "Trhis report shows that ail British operated air lines flew a total of 7,637,000 airplane mtiles in 1935. This co mparés with the 11l,504,400 miles in the samne period by American Airlines, alone. "This report also states that 143,-' 400 passengers were carried on British planes during the year, wbich compares with 178,200l transported by our own one line in 1935. Even greater is tbe contrast in passenger miles flown where American exceeds by a margin of 64,749,000 to 41,090,000 pas-* Mrs. F. _W. Taylor of 918 Linden avenue bas, as;. ber bouse, guest MI'ss Mr. and Mrs. Anan Raymiond, 547 Ruth Matlock -of Richmond, *mfd. MissRoslyn road, Keffilworth,, and theëir Matlock bas been here for about three 'cbildren, Margaret, Sarah and Spen- w#eeks and will. remain Mnil Septexùber IL cer, have' returned froni a thre weeks' stay at Everett's resort, Eagle river,'W'is. -0Mr. an& Mis. Wilbur P. Robertson of * mj POOL~ 518 Greenleaf avenue expected to return ee. to Wilmette the early -part of the week from a fortnigbt's motor.trip througb jceuP& o motor tg Michigan. iii tion at .enominee and Dà.ý -Send your bdshpedu ti weelc . they'll add a new note of chefuinesa after tli.y have hotu w*md. FIRINCH LAUN DRY: Ph.... UNI. 2776> WIoem 3060 806 Dempster St, Evanston ""LISTEN, PEGGYI I ABOUT 1.a ted States is considerably faster than, those in Great Britain while night flying, virtually unknown abroad, bas' been perfected hère to the point where 'it comprises nearly 50 per cent of tbe operation of tbe major companles. Purple Martins S"Cheek Out'ý City' His sister, Frances, and Julie. Goodman of 1310 Scott avenue are leaving Friday .night to visit 'Jean Hammond of Winnetka at ber summer home at Glen lake, Micb.