Ftkerau istor service. 9:15 9:. a.m.,-Flrst a.m.-No Sunday MUe Woma*.u lub for C l bIoULm [orne at Auguet., e Baptist 014 People's Il a.m.-Second service. rood. 1the JIMU*5 avenues in the city's muusic history, it wil ed enthusiasm that forth is im SER~VICES arelaeuau w f be given the opportunity, through the efforts of the Aduit Education. seholdurngcounlcil, ta enjoy a popular price concert senies. On 1 uhday mnorning at Frst Congreg9ationail chureh. Dr. Allisai cont nues iseres of, sUmmer meditations on 'flInforcenientz for ,Our P'alth." Hie the. "The tjninpeached ,M wlbe U Bible. Go's Messageto, the Huùain Boul."1%hese sermons have ellcited sinoerme appreelatloi., Any whoý are per-. plexed as to the: effects ot modernstua Postiude and science on the Seriptures are espeMarch The ordler of .service at Il o'clock will Inlude the fol19wng: Prélude ....... Widor Adaio Mrs. H. ýRohnxnan Solo ....... ......... OffertoryT .Communion ln E Minor .. Guilmant The Sermnon-'Goà Doeth 'Al Thinors Weli"........Mark 7.31-37 aimis. "Itaprovide.artists aif estab- Carrying, out one of, its avowed lished, reputation ta appear bel are groups at a nominal price, » the cauncil has as tounded the music World wthltht annauncement oi its Musical Arts series ,ta be presented in. Orchestra Hall. Five Fa.»Îld J'ianist. That Unce Sam may take definite and positive action ta curb the nation's toll of death on streets and highways is indicated by a bil which passed, Congress in the closing -days of the session, t he, Chicago Motor club was advised recenitly. by the Amnencéan Automobile association in Washington.. This *bill, the A. A. A. repotde-, clared, appropriates $75,OOO for invlestigation by the- bureau oi public roads into thé traffic accident situation, survey ai status ai uniiorm mo-m tor laws,* and "recommendations for législation.: calygtd-o>hear tuis discussion. luiD...............Guilmant gerv~insat il 'clock. On Labor The. pastar returns froni bis vacation Sund~Wub3ect. "OWork, a Blessing todayý and wIlI be ln -the pulpit on, $unor sa Ciùrme" w111 be>asitor Aiisons day. Ap Il men miwamen of this churcb are This afternon the Martha Guild, a Invtel te attend -the Couples' clame *society for girls einployedon thie north oÔutlnq at.,Washiton Park Satuay, shore, has Its monthly meeting. 3, getSepteuiber 1. 'Phe Churéh -chool re- acqualnted hour: 4, Bible study; 4:30, opens on SundaY, September 13. business session; 5, social hour; 6, *The. Rev. Joh~n G. Hindley, minister First Con gregrational ~or by lmail frdtn the offices of rte The. "artists aif established reputatian" ta be provided by the counhcil in this series will be five distinguished pianists, Arthur . Schnabel, J a s e f Lhevinne, Ignaz Friednian, Guiomar Novaes, and Albert Hirsh. Subscriptions may now be secured at the box office ai Orchestra Hall Tau#I.d Coa5tiomi Nxt SwdY morning Dr. Allison continues. su-mer erles of sermons on 'Reinforce.ngM for Our Faith" wth the. mesa&Me tTnlnpeached Bible, the Hunian'Sul1 lto God'. MesBaE These Sunday -mnorning services have been well attended ani the congregation On September 9 the firet session of the Adult Education Council. oi Chicaga children's confirmation claies will be held iii Roani 536 at 224 South Michigan tram 4 to 5 p.m. The clame wIll aIse meet on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. Since confir- avenue. mation instruction cavera a two-year course, hildren ot the seventh and elghth grades shouid plan ta attend regularly. . LLviu Comiug Nov. 17 joseph Lhevinne wiil open the lbas enjoyed the, messages greaitly. FirstPresbyterian Nlnth street at Greenleaf avenue The Rev. James Tr. Veneklasen, pastor stries with an ail Chopin program on Tuesday night, November 17. On December 15, Albert Hirsh, selected by the council as ane af the, most "There: is very littie question that the bureau will find the motor legislative situation in the states to be mn a tangledI and- chaotic condition," commented Charles.M. Hay.es, presi-' -dent of. the motor club.. "'It is a fact well knoWn to motorIsts, héi said, t, hlat driving 'across a state boundary is like entering a no-man's-land of conflicting and coniusing régulations. 0f ail the major laws designed to promate highway safety, only one-thie driver's license law-has ànything approaching uniform application throughout the states, having been adopted by al but eleven states. The saiety respoiisibility bill, too, has made good brhist Went Up Into the Hll" .... .Mr. Postlnde Otis Toccata ...... Tombelle Postiude-."Coronation March'"....... Miess nilly Robert-Organist Director.......... 1............... Kretschmer Hagemain Solo-"The Lord 1s MY Light" Mr. Otis Teachers and Church anticipaited. achool miembers tram ail departments Sunday, Septewnber -13, wilI see the reopenlng et the tall program of our Church sclaool. A very busy year Is man. To end tht series covering the What is legal in anc state , is, more salient points oi piano literature, often ilegatl i anotlier. "Much speculation centers about Arthur Selinabel, known as the music The guest preacher for Sunday, August 80, will be the Rev. Howard man oi the hour, wilI again pay schol- the requirement that the bureau Congdon of the Federated Church of arly tribute ta bis Beethoven, on make recommendations for federal Corning.Ioa legislation. How far Uncle Sami can March 2.. , Iu charge ai the stries for the caun- go in this direction is, oi course, cil. are its president, Dean Carl F.* strictly liuiited by constitutional iniHuth of the University oi Chicago, hibitions,- but. it is . thought Àhe may v.... *.w ivçtai tvr*aiéA*n5 ur.r'*11 J-----Speake- 2, under the mastery oi Ignaz Fried- state among the variaus jurisdictions. .... ltali* 11,lr%,ayJ meet on r 3, at the am ats I Willam Lo ai pares literature and collections ofanaterial on. different phases ai aduIt Dorothy and Barbara Henderson, educatioii: brings significant cultural daughters ai Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardevenits within the reacb ai ail Chi- ner Henderson, 249 Cumnor road, cagoans, such as its present concert Kenilworth, baye returned irorn Land stries; and conducts surveys on the o Lakes, Wis., where they were the. problemns oi and opportunities for gussf h rn ecasa jàduxteducaion in Chicago. lKenilworth for several weeks, t