-w' çaark, naken, autel uamo1Geu. cln LireS remulated free PURRI ER Lt me give you en estimafe now. bef or. Conupl te Furand fi 00 R.nc>a eing Reflnn*-Repafrinn More tha* *30 years of! aatiejactoru, service filwilmette 830 Park Ave. JOHN T. Bureau of Investigation of the Departrnent of justice. With the enments and State police-avail .tn repulnln "Painter of the $un." September. 1, largement of the, scope of its work selves of its niany services.; Evidence Amercaji "~van Gogh at Arles." September 2, and the powers of its Special Agents ii daily sent to the Federal laboradlocks and ".van.Gogh's Dutch'Periîod." Septemý in' the .detection,"and apprehension of tory for ýstudy byý experts and, a. rereanable ber 3, "Vincent1 the Preacher." Sep-. crime, the Bureau of Investigation! at port- to' some local. law endorsement Federal Bureau 'is gradagency.Th tember 4, ',Vincent the Bohemian." ualy comJing to be recogniîzed as the ngto or charae. likened been bas Washington September, 5, "Vincent the, Fanatic." While! agency against crime Yard., Scotlanàd of centralwokn "Painter lanhd's,,famous September 6, .(Sunday) the Supn." September 7, (Labor Day), our national criminal investigative iin the IJnitéd States, Its importance "Millet and van Gogh! ' September agency has niot,'had the years of' ex- bias increased with the development fast transýprt.ation, whereby a 8, "Master of Portra iture." Septemit..is ton-ý of, criminal can. move swiftly f rom onie ber 9, "Master of StilI Life." Sep- perierice, in many respects state to another., tember 10,; "van Gogh's Impressions sidered superior to Scotland Yard. of Places!'."Admiission to members 'The termn "G-Men"' has become the of ýthe Art Institute free; to the pppular. characterization of the' fedpublic. 25, cents.. Their. effective war eral agents. crime is the suborganized, against CHRISTIAN. SCIENCE SERVICES picturescenaý motion "Christ 'Jesus", will be the subject ject formany at the services, in First Church *.of ,os and is the theme of several daily Thisý is the year of politics wbeîi Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette, held comnic strips in ouirnewspapers. To promises fly thick and fas t,' but it is Sunday morning, August 30, at Il be 'a cowboy, policeman or fireman niaking no political promise to say *oei.ck ini the difict at 1003 Cenitral are flot th~e ôtly bôihoÔÔd ambitions.i that Nôrthwestërn's second Waidorf avenue.. Sunday school convenes at Many youngsters are telling their coached eleven will play even more 9:45 o'clock. fathers tbat when they grow up they thrilling football than last year's want to be "G-Men". brand, wbich brought the . Wildcats national prominence. Many Applicauts The Wildcats are prepaning for a Hardly a month passes but that 1 get-away due to the fact that quick some from receive one or two letters is a major foe in Iowa in who meet they district the in man young tG 1The Way Tbey Should BeReAbaUt interested in becoming a Special tbe opening game of a schedule that WOlmette Ave. ear I ~e 2590 Agent. Director J. Edgar Hoover bas promises plenty of thrills. The 1936 .advised me that be bas several thou- schedule wilI produce some' of the finest sand applications on file of qualified, football that bas been witnessed at nmen who are 'an xious to enter the Dyche stadium in recent years. The strongest teams in the Big Ten are' service. on the Purple's home card this falil. The fundamental requirement is Last year's co-chanipions, Minnethat the applicant be eitb.er an atand Ohio State, wiII both play He sota accountant. ant or law at torney must then pass a rigorous mental and in the Wildcats lair, as will WisconHis prospects sin's revitalized Badgers and tbe a]1physical examination. for appointment are in part dependent ways sturdy Hawkeyes from Iowa. upon the rating received in these ex- North Dakota State, champions of aminations He must also meet the the North East conference, round out requirements as to character, ex- th e best home schedule in years. perience and natural, aptitude. CourSeason Ticket Sale Boo]Ms 81dowp tou mwitht age, honrsty and self-discipline are as nwU EAYhoner -c Northwestern followers alIre ad y important as mental ability and for- sense this fact judging froin the or law the in ima colleize traininiz .Waldorf's Siecond Woildcat .Eleven >. Promises. Thrlls Shoos Rebulit 4, SoVwUe 1 1131 Vsmtral Avenue Walmette 81 Phene Wilm«to, Phonie 81 IlBureau jof. them. were promptly solved. cases. Al J on of 32 of' Investigation participated 1 in the investigati It ter the se1 ree'swhen whistle the ig Ten. the annual foot is this lII scramûble iÀ