sMensSwEATRS Siceeansd:with aleeves. Broken Unses,, aite from 36 t»46- Pullover t Men's Wash:Slacks rn g. Ch ,low irice ,before. They're ibsextreme at . î a nsd 1idealfori of e tnibeach a pes snd in s o Ierto tl6 29; t attractive variations. Sizes, many Shirts-Shorts Men's searltyaspsie one We urge you for ibsunderwarthe quantity cant pos. siblylailong i ibis priée. SI ack of "thi qaty, have neVer been sold B$oys' Polo & Dress SHIRTS Girls' DRESSES Cloths of eicelent qualiiy--formerly broadto. $1.95. An exceptional opportuaitY. 6 . Almo Sim 4, o 6%anàdltol1 culottes. and aus including play BOYS' plains Almo PAJAMAS. FglLcombed Swias ribbed- sty5s, épper sd icrew nech. Great. shirts,, imies36 tb 46. White4 mnyful cut short. sud f" for- ,fr (T jr Trhe dreas shirt. conne la regul a collar. styles-Youths and Jr. ses. olo hirts l oparcolora and sim 8 to 18. aummer _ eleninatlas, hait Sies 8 topesn dsaentrouse»,. stole 1 modelaý; 2 for Men's Girs'SWEATERS, Fine wool lu broken aimes 8 SWUIM TRUNKSýCel uee, accrdion pleated wool and sone. ru w' f .. drl.fasbreo mswi vfansiions badbzs.oarewim trn itbis gronp. Men's Suede 3-000 .Mens ,SHIRTrS and'PAJA-MAS. A superb cvollection of shirts and pajanas-at $1.00. Your xuoney neyer bought more. White, and *.ncy shirts in the. newest colar styles. The. pajanias are slightly imperfect-but worth several tizncs ibis. price. Shirt sizes .14 to17 Pajamias in sizes A. B3. C. and D). HANDKERCHIEFS., White whh White borders - alsoi white fancy bordera. FoU Fine grade. t20.1 Boys' CAPS Latesi patteransd, col or 4juveaile and lJr doz. ~ 2 for1 Jut 0 Student 1-Trouser Suits $1 àhadesinucat andshPI -10 t1, j6. Ppula atels and laU, fo Girls' Summer HATS. Piquesand linens formerly 81.25and 81.65. Assorted Ob for coln and styles, WhioÀ& tley last! Quality wool ini new styles. Reduced for quick disposai. Sizes 4 to 8 Mens *Boys« CLOTH JACKETS A voey limied quantlty. Ses 34, 36 46-ansd48 only.T Ta ".< KNICKERS' Wool sud linens. Majority originally sold for mor e than five tusses ibis price. Good selections of sizes. 5Pr. SWI&M SUITS *Boys' o Oue.piece speed models i n black, nayy and me-s2 rm. Elaatic culfs izades. Sizca 8 to Il, 7/a NOS! assorted Girls' SWIM SUITS Girls' DRESSES F old up , b 2 for $ s' $1 .Mothers!, We have selected a special group of short lots from our bigiier price ranges. The A ýwonâeulu buy if you canb itte$2 Jut13 GOLF CLUBSA drastic close-out of irons. Steel shaits, chromiuus heade. Me'. sud ladie' riglit baud-in' lefi bansd. '1 Button coat style with fmucy backs.ý Very popular for beach wear. A real. bargain. ta18. boys' KNICKERSL Wash fabrica sund wools. Simca 8 get a rare bargain. Ideal for'are summer Simca whites.sports. Majority SHORTS 10 to 18. 2 for $1 Men's IMen's TROUSERSI Merm's HOSIERYI I .Boys' SWEATERSI Boys' tailored Wosh Slacks SONS, Meu's S.r-rrgtmon ndChercw BOYS 8 43