I *. quoi Rom VALUES a rom g EN!, Reg.35c siru " e iNri I dw, .Eïm DOTS. WE R Yoths YO SIe Fainous MO4DEL" B rand Just 40 OVERCOATS Dollar 1o T1iIy1 SHIRTS, "ud BOYSF SH IRTS:l Ail WooUlicre 2 for Junior Sizes 8-12. Youtb MELTON :.JACKETS We could only get 200 oDf these jackets! Made with adjiastable side biuçkiesand zipper-front 12. Limit 2 to a cu8tomer. ~ '-for $1 cut Utica shorts uLII E fine broadcloth. e w patterns ini izes 30 to 44. Also ýwiss rib shirts of UModel' ' branid shirts>mean real value! Every shirt Worth from 79c tô $1! Ail pre-shrunk. A regiulair $.4Pv ,aue. Size's to ripes, solid I sports bac I $2 DOWN Nýo carrying charge if balance is paid within 90 days. and dark patternis. Sizes 30 to 44. Also Swiss ril 'shirts of fine mnadras and shIirings in igi A~ combed Cotton 3fr$ 3fr$ Fine rib knit combed coucûr. wth lastex at waist. Veryv sPÉcially pricedfo Iheatli 3 fr$1I Lomb" pockets. and reinfoi I OCKMIYER i or F r and solidc value s. cle a r MENS UNION SUITS Button shoulder ini panel nb '$1 q IL y. Jui' Black, browvu, tan, and grey. 1 »T9- mEVANST4PN *WIED@LDT'S EVANSTON * *WIJUISLDT'S -EVANSTON WIEBISOJDTS - EV AN ST