at il o'clock wili BuchhauseitieII **w TRACY, TAYLORI I ATRANDoLpm STrREET 2 c HIc AGeo ?HE NEW Whb Teit, Curi, -oFre $750ý N Gb-e Perumnent SpeioD OIL SI'IUN PERMANENT ;..Iudimg Shompo@ end $25 SI,.mpoo, Floge.wavp Trm. Arch or Manieur. B5C service next Sunday nrorning wiliib. Mr. Arthur Green et te teta aGrnlf rela as foliows: Sevet Offertory-,"oir Duty tO od0for UiviiiIg A Houseè of Worshlp" olosias 3~1617 * U Hl Wod". Organý (10 :50): A.4llegroI vivace" (V SymuThe Rev. David R. Kabele. past')r l6Iý às F Mor ... I...Wdor PoUslde-Wortd'.'. phony)................... Ruth Tegtmeyer Schuster AV E ..V CE U Guilmant .. . . . . .. . . . Offertory. Solo. "The Great Awakeninig" 8a n .............. service EarlY theservVacatin . . . . . .. ... . ,Kra r . 9a n echool ................. Russel Nelson pstr'5Church Durngth m are beinW conducted bY the' Rev.eIla. Organ Postlude: -'Hosannah-".. Dubois ies. M. c. Elz of Chicago. Andrew w. Bùc1i- Second service.........i,.m serviceBs the for absence of 1 Theénmusic The guest -preacher for. Aug ust 30, wiIll1 hauser isat the organ in the day nmorning'is as foilows:, be Dr. R. D. Hollington of *Garrett Mrs- PI. E. amromil1 Organ ;Preluide-Lento, Opus 50..... avanelIo BiblicaUl nstitute. Forget, Me Should the 'services of a pastor be re-, SooHow: Long Wilt Thou, Speaks *. .................... Dr. Elmerý Ellsworth Helîns wlll beg quired before Augustet ', please cali, the .Joy Wilson Dressier our guest p reacher for Suniday, Sep- Rev. P. A. Mlundinger at, Glericoe 896 Posýtludc--Alýlegiro Vivace, 2nd Sonata tember 6. BefoiÉe retirlng, Dr.. Helns, was minister of thie First Methodist Next 'Thursday, August 27, the Martha................Guilmant Episcôpal church th Los Ang les. Prior (mtiid,. a soe-iety for girls. eniploy.%ed on vitoria G. 3lcLeod-Miflistry of M.%usic to that tiMe he was at the Calvary the north, shore. bas its rnonthly meet-: snoclety wil meet, on omnan's The MthodIst church ln. Philadeiphia and ing, 1,, get-aiciuainted hour; 4 afternoon of this week a y. ; 4 :30 1). m., busine. *Tbrsda p.~ ~ ilesi the Central Park cburch in Buffalo. Hel the-homie of Mrs. E. B. Knudt-m 'clka has wrltten, a great many books and la session,; :5p..i., social hour; 6 p. ini, ý1son..1141 Chestnuùt street, Wilmiette. also a well-known leeturer.* Dr., Helus, a;upper. ba s been preachlng durlng the. summer Thre subjectý for. the motion picturesý at Philadelphia and BurffaIo. We shali on "Tbe Life cf Christ" to be sbown be happy to welcome him to oui- pulpit durlng the Church sehool hour next Sunp tmv.j nG. t Hi4ndley, mnitetr on September .. ~ " Tihe Pors tof Trial." day m*omirrIs Ail are invited to view these fine picOn SundaY rnornîng at il o'clock, Dr. tures. ID. Allison continues bis summer senie.s Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector bfme4ltatlofls suggested by the vacaBertel S. Larsen of thre Chicago Luththeme,' "POtat0es eran Theological Semlnary wlll occupy the. wlth season, ion Next Sunday, August 23. willi be the W.V nd Pansies." Tbe excellent attendance the pulpit next Sunday morning. eleventh Sunday after TrlRlty. There spirit of these services is a de- invite you to worship with us. fine nd ,will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m., and lght. , Visitors are most cordially lnMotnlng Prayer with sermon il a. m. Irlted. The music~ for the mnornlng worshipi 'Next Nlouday, August 24,* is St. as foilows: s *Bartbolomews day. There will be a IP .. Nevin ... Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue ?rude-Silver Clouds celebration of the Holy Commuinion at renor Solo--I Will Sing New Songs of The Rev. James T. Venekiasen, pastor Wilmette ..... Dvorak Gla.dness"....... ....... >ffertoie Sol--My Hope is hlntihe Soo-"The Lord le MY Btrength" The nmusio for the, il O'cioek worship 1 «'h R g... mmvs .W. ra ...... First 1 Con gregational St. A ugustine'.9s First Presbyterian, +9 11 n WRl. 2433 Our Hair Tinting restores the natural color oyurhair, after thre crying and sraig efrects of hot summner sun. Kinder hing staff in tbe Postlule-"Jubilate Amien". o! the Chui idid opportunities i Thre guest preacher for Sunday, Augng botir experl- ust 23. will. be Dr. Jamies E. Detweiler, the Presbyterian Board of Fore ign w recruits ln alof se who -are in-iiNlissionus. Chicago. director at tie . mieets in ail deThe Suniday school open daily from Scirolars from, at 10 o'clock. Eve,partnments mette 1204.. 'OM1-a*~. TV Il other schools which are closed for the nette 238,1. 1unirwill :be welcome. 1 .ne having an extra book case ich is not being 1find great satisto the Church Jane Lamprey Tours .Saturday 9A. M. to 9 P. M. Trhc Bible and Works cf Mary Baker Eddy, and all other authorized Chriuutia Scnce Ljteraturc may be rcad, borrowed or purchased at the Reading R~om. CORDIALL1X INVITE» TO ATTEND THIE W>NG 9007 EzfVICF& AND» viiiTHERIE cacEii THIE PUBLIC Il GermaniY, Swîtzer] -J 'LèlupMsGalvin to ured 1 ýbers of a stulhans and Miss and, ,Belgium, and France.. vp