Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1936, p. 50

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netka. 2 blks. to ltke, 4 to, train and WILMETTE. Circumstances corn- schools.ý Modern English brick.,,Liv. rm., od- 1 7x2 4.- Cheerful sun rai., 4 family bcdpel owner te dispose -of' his ern brick Colonial of four bed- rms., 2 baths -on 2nd I. Maid's rm., hath' rons, twe' baths, extra toilet anad on 'Tt. .011:ht. *Att. gar. Cost $28,500' lavatory on the first floor, hot now e1,000. Exclusive agents. water oil bheat, 2-car ga rage, and recreation 'rom with ireplace. Located lài section of new-homes. 562 Green Bay Rd, Kenliwortth 5540 Substantially reduced, for qui'ek vl7,000 sale., Price........... 5BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS, E. WIN- ro 0 Ues Y.Prime Vaicant at OId Bargyain Pri-cesý' THIS 6OX176 FINE WOODED LOT FOR .which the owner refuseid $11,250 ln, 1928 can noiw be had for a littie under $6.6000 A. e&telucargs. 1649 shermàan Avenue- ma,-vicea a ,moLiL joseph -C. Cormack&Co HOME WLANS WNitzleben Realty C.1 University 3363 KENILwORTH EAST la a beau-T 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING 'PORCH, tiful setting comprising- th reeh. w. heat, beautifully landscaped lot of: ayear. ago. Pull detalis by lnqulry At FIrst Fedeiral quarters of an acre of wooded 50x2O00 ft. Owner leaviig. town wjll Savine. and Loan Association 0f WiIand landicaped grounds, Houise at $13,500. sacrifice mette. MÈr. Clifto.n, Secl'etar-y.1126 Cencentaine 'six bedroons, and four .Winùetka 81 Ave. 523 Winnetka baths. Excellent heating equip)tral Avenue, Wilmette 963. ment. Shown by appointmerlt 1700 Dempeter St. 12'TA-LTN1O-tfo V.niversity 07~28 PrIce................$55,00 111LTN15-ltp CHOICE VACANT CORNER LOT IN FOR UAL.-HOUSEH"OLD CO@D Highland Park Terrace, '3 blocks, from SAVE MONEY BY SPENDING VACANT. ,Choice south fron 60X Skokie Valley. high speed transportation. to cave by lie. one. of thôse times 114 near Ridge, R6ad, WVllMette.. This Restricted, cièar' for immediate building Section of new homes. Price $2,&0Q, buying a hoe -an'opportunity to get a real bargain. Phone Greenleaf 6699. or write A-116, SeNeral ether geod buys in both, 1Kenilwortii 5288 Box 60, Wiiznette, IIl 421 Richmond Rd. smail and large tracts. Rare old Pennsylvania corner cupboard Lincolnw Ood District INDIAN -,HILL LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOME$. LOT 70x165 !X Estates cost the owner $7,450 and Borrow Ulp to 601% of value. Convenmcan now be had for $3,000. monthly repaymùent'plan over 5 to lent These prime -lots are at, bargain pirices 15 yeursi Deal wlth a local Institution., In 800 block on Greenwood in Wilrmette. NorthShoreRealty E. W., JANICKI SEARS REAL ESTATE THE EARLY. BIRD CATCHES THE WORM (2 nished homes for ent, Consuit us for satisfactory resuits. I ti The inevitable cycle once, again Ioff e reappears and fortunate is he who Jrem invests ln Real Estate on the Ivi.ev North Sheme. Over a period of years statistie definiteiy Indicate that he who invests wisely and with forethought buys or builds is alws.ys able to liquidate and ln normal times at sîatisfactorY prices. a home. Keeping in mind the equirements of the average family 5M'5O 50X125 ft.-West Kenllworth 5OX169 ft.-Nr. Evans. H. S. .- Ît avinia ........ .. . ... $2.800Ô Antique walnut dough trugh .... $18 P.r, iae) .*. . , -; 4f1 ý * .. . 9 110 R. B. WHXTAKER Center Street Wlnnetka 3250 CO. $3,500 $1,500 Oak kitchen table, compartment, draw- Solid inah. dining table and 6 chairs. $75 Oriental pattern, stair carpetiflg, 16 stairs and 2 landings. Fine cord (cost $6 a yd.) ... ................. $35 81x1d er, and stool .... . .. .. . 7.50 8 MeDougall kitchen cabinet . .ý.7.50 Reliable gai range, 4-burner ..... $10 $15 Ciaesic style garden bench ......... Concrete bird bath, irredescent stones $6 ............... <cost $20) Many other grand bargains in furniture and glass. For informnation~ cali Mrs. George Van y His District *BeverIý Y4 lie mg,the agzai secm iItem Sý aprépe ,A UT. 1.0 R34. H01%1 1EE,5ights, h. w. he. ACRE, BE. MIany gar. Boat house bedrais., 5 bbaths, Ige. liv. rm. «.% s. Built for Ann flarid speciai featuree Old Town canoe. .eng.Trade clear for NS.27 lakes. ExcellIent. wr new Coet over $90,. 000. nees property. home, or busli thews. om 7apCa l 1Mr. jKneebone ,. liav9BAIRD ev ious 790Elai Street EAGLE RII Attractive cottag Modern furni! WISCONSIN fiât ft. lake frontage. electrie stove. nd refrig. 2-car leIsle speeciboat, ated on chain of hitng. Mrs. Mat- ' NICHOL 2037 Lincoln Ai EXCLI 'S _________ 1488 s-utp books.Cali eve., after6 p. ai. or à]ational Ill dày Winnetka 2100ý Suriday. 1323 Central Ave., Wilm, 115A-LTN15-ltc 129LTN1 ALMOST NE,,W 3-PIECI,,~.v ARNER 'ARNER tPiano & stool $30; Ige. Oak diflng $10; Universal gas range. oven cc $15: emiail gas opven stove $5; Apex, Swa.1ning machine $35, mah. chiffonhe er $8; Stradivarius model Violin $15; ful11l size metal bed & spriig $10; dresser $8; ýdesk $4 full size bed, spring $10; chaiir 50c each; Congoleumi rug 9x12 $4; % bcd & spring $5, misc. furn. and educat y. E. of 'Ridge In Kenil., Hs 1 wilmet Phone 816 Ave. "EUILc. 1 ei -tIding 541 BRiD t0OM AND DININC. and edd pioces nilture 2-ltp price. Wlnnetka 2950. uick sale $2,200. ben Realty, Co. 63Vernon Avent ANLN m 305I 562 Green SRd. Kenilworth 5540 114LTN15-lte il

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