Mexico, in the early seventheenth cen-2 tury wben Spain held witb proud band, tbey key f0 tbe western world.: The sbip's captain, wbose success Or failure f0 conquer. tbe sea and tbe menlacing: Moros, Chinese and Dutch decides the affluence or indigence of the island for ýthat year. 'is assured respect in al Manilla, includin g thée palace of tbe governor. Don Juan, bandsome witb strong youth,,is seen and desired by tbe gover-7 nor's' wife, tbhirty years. her hushanid's junior. The story of their love told ini brocaded style w6uld he called a tragedy on the face of ift., BRut,- Mr. Rogers hav-i Aksel Sandeiose is the author of ing placed himsel1f iin a precariq-us .posi-, Fugitive Crosses His Tracks,". A ff m, romfantic or tion by bis very choice psychological novel u'hich has beeciz lerial. adeptly avoids running amuck in attractmg cnsdral attention. pathos. Obvibusly such a nove1 'as M1aenilla 1Translated jroM the Norwvegin by Eugeiic Gay-Tiff t, it con tains a nlote, Galeoi muist be painted in Iijgb colors, by Sfrrid Udet. Rogers Mr. ifý *However, is. it and tbought to paint it with the warrntb that * involves tbe reader in the expurience of his characters, be has failed. Tbe story moves along, neyer in the eyès, but beilsnevoleCotcedoes * fore the eyes of the reader.. It is a lhas jncluded al the verse Abrint aety conemf0 ife.pardeAustini Clarke wde f euotonspardehe ivishes to preserve; some of tbe arity A through the book. Francisa de Nava, poemis have been revised, others reto Don Juani written, and new ones have been added. servant. Tehdloprotesque tisbs colossus, i ra uo Padraic Colum, ini his introducti on to .es. ago. Te a1it .mr , is .b .. Assonance Patlerns Recent Clarke Poemns after years of violence and poverty comrnîttee to cooperate witn the Nasuffered cluring bis bitter struggles as a tional Civil Service Reform league,. runaway f rom bis 'home in a Danish it was announced this week. town, as a.sailor and a lumberjck-why Downstate members of tbe coîm in thaàt crùcial year of hiis life bie killed mittee are Mrs. Florence F. Bohreri a mani. of Bloomington: Horace B. Garman. He bas now settled down, married, of Decatur; Clarence. W. Hjeyl.ý of and -beconme the father of a family. He Peoria: and'Logan Hay and Robert, bas. so to speak., digested bis murder. C, Moore, of Springfield. He wants only to explain bôw, it came ,Other menuibers of tbe Illinois Com-;. cbaracovn bis in. forces mittee are-Edwin H. Cassels, Glenabout-wbat ter- as well as in the life bie bas lived, c oe. cbairman : Williamn Brown Hale, led him to tbat act-and bow lhe bas Winnetka,' vice-chairman;-Russel . Wbitman. treasurer;-,'Mr.. feit about it since. -Alden, .T. W. secretary: bis Alderton. af outpouring an is book The Win.tboughts and emnotions. al subconsi- Henry W. Austin, Laird Bell, Frank Blackman,ý Elaine Miss netka, do be ous streami of. ideas. Wby .mnust. ail tbis? To understand, himself. He P. ýBreckinridge, Francis. X Buscb, reffemibers well that. at tbat timne lie Winnetka,' Robert Catherw«ood., thought be was committing themurder Henry P. Chanidler. Walter F. Dodd, Huth, because tbe man took away bis girl, but E. 0. Griffenbagen.. Dean Carl P. Moulton, B. William -Miller. H. Tohn 'be knows nojw that it was flot tbe real reason. There were- manv reasons mare Wininetka. lMrs. Murray Nelson, the, subtie and profound than tbe ostensible Very Rev. Michael J. O'tonneli, Arch W. one. He must get at tbose bidden causes. C. M1. 1Lessing kosenthal, Timotby John Winnetka. Sbawv, He nmust understand himself, if lie is Winnetka, Tenney, F. Heniry Stone. to find spiritual peace. Rev. Samuel Knox Wilson, His adventures in bis borne towvn. on and tbe the sea, in the foc's'les of many. sbips. Propose Intensive Caumpaugn among the dregs of niany barbors. and national organization is pointThe in tbe forests of Canada imply a quantity its efforts to tbe coming nationof. action and drama. but tbe empliasis ing al elections when-, it hopes ,through is invariably psycbological..i Ithe Pressure of an aroused electorate, sobs." There is the passion oftheii faili1' ar-liké the notes of the bog-lark recCaritad for the lovely page, or the curlewv." Mr. Clarke cornes of an old Dublin Gallito. and his own pray-erful worship ife. There is the farnily and wvas eduéated at the same 0f the governors gerrjust and unconlpromising, tor- Jesuit college as Jamnes Joyce. He wvas tured by the young indifference of. bis for several years English lecturer in lady. The conniving f riars' attempt toj University college, Dublin, but be now overload the galleon with sanctified chi- lives ini London and devotes himself to %vriting and criticism. c anery suggests tbe Inquisition. His Colle qed Pociins werè published or called be to not malfnilla Galon, even considered a great book, is easily ou july 21 by Macmnillan. rankcd, in tbe cover-to-cover-wNitboutclosiiig group.-GS. ç.. Ronirnh . lessIvy realistic. where Hamsun was romantic. The depth and merciless quality. of tbe author's probings into the buman soul inîpelled anotber to call binu "a madmian suffering from an excess of sanity." The translation contains a noteby Sigrid Unidset. the congressional battles," e Ianea Russell Whiitman, of Evansto~ former judge of tbe Superior Court and treasurer of tbe Illinois* committee, "because we feel tbat our main hope of ending furtber ravages of the present political spoils systemn lies in legîslative action." *'Xe seek assurances of adherernce to a civil service mèrit systém.,Candiý*e whonu we knoiv to be siiicerely Want Adherence To Merit Systenu A Canadian Wolf, All f00 seldondoe artres the mural decorations for the rH bospital, bas done the illustration *and, and book I:waspi ed': August 'automo dAuusti pi recent Jwa