Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1936, p. 34

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in Ftower Exhibit 1 f ;ýtt Surpassinq 1935 the j uior auxihary ofthwe woman 's Club »of Wilmette for its fail project. The committee, headed byr Miss Marion- Cook, îs just. now startin g work on.'the project, and wili havc ftirther announcemnents fo make as the arrangements are completed. Asisting is Cok with the plansar the members of her commnittee including: Mrs. Charles Mà'. Williamnson, cochairman;i Miss Constan'ce Bersch, Miss Almaý Muëhlberg,: Mrs. AVallace W. Muehlberg,- Mr$. -Carl A. Reeb, Miss Dorothy Hall,..,Niss Louise D'Esposito, Miss.. E Io i Se rsinall or largOwniers of very er gardens who fin-av neyer have: becomle affiliated with any garden group, and for whose particuilar assistance the North ShoreGarden: center was estab1ished, will baveail opportunity to display bloorns f rom their plots in the center's' third annual showto' be beld at Winnetka Community House Tuesday, August 25. The firstclass for this group of j Mrs. T. WeIler Kimbail, the iiewvly appoînted 1Keni.lwortb cliainnian of-the Chicago Citv Opera eoinimiittee,'is to be liOSt-ý ess to ,the north shore, workets. at a- tea,,Monday, at her hIomlle. 333 Leicester road. Any Kenil%vorth residents intercstrd in putrchasin.g tickets for. the City oplera iiiay cal Mrs. Kinibail rit Kenlilworth 3582,. A înost encouraginig report 'lro:u the general north shore chairmnan. Mfrs. james, G. McMilIan of WVinnetka, %vas heard Monda>' afternoon. *by a group of fifty comiimittee menmbers of the Chicago City Opera conpany, Mien they met for tea at ilhe home of, Mrs. Jam~es Shaknian,. in Already, according to, \Vilmette. Nf rs. McMillan, almost as rnany subscriptions have been sold as ývere sold (turing the entire season. laý.t year., and the workers have two nmorc inonths ili which to complete the.ir calling. James F. Whitney of E%-aîiiotn. president of the company, announcvd that arrangements have been mnade with the Citv of Chicago' to rcenwdv garden owners willinchide arrange- and Miss Adelaide Franklin.' mùents of any flowers. An arrangeAniyone wishing -further' informa*ment of:fruit is the second class, and about the prôject Miay comition the third provides for the exhibition niicate with Miss Cook. unusual manyý blooms, of specimen types haviug been deeoped b1y the Brown, Miss .Georgia 'Leffiigwell. gardeners, some amateurs, others more, experienced, included in the group for wbich this class provides. The community gardens of Winnetka and other villages, thé sole exhibitors in last year's show sponsored The Kenilworth Garden chl by the project and poliey committee hold a meeting tomorrow (Fi of the Garden center, will also have at the home of Mrs. Otis Heath an importantt part in this-year's show, Asbury avenue, Winnetka. various classes being arranged for ith cas.h nrizes nromised as uhem.v Gardýn Club to Hear of Meeting Abroad Miss Marionl Cook, 1017 Greciivvood avenue, is chairinan of the ways and ,neaus comimitece of the' Junior auxitiory of the Woman 's Club of Wilmette. The commit fc wilI [ay) is commencing to make plans 'for 42o its fali project. Mrs. Charies .11,. Jr. Williamsoit is assisting Mliss Co'mk as co-chairinan. 'n Entries in ail classes should bc made by Saturday with the general chairman, Mrs. Robert 'Gardner, who class to bc judged by popular vote. An arrangement of any garden flowers is designated for this class.' tion of the show* should prove to bc one of the most interesting. One entry will bc made by each Gardeni club of the north shore, in a a n club and iiîvuiur worth, now enlted the K ini England, resident of 1The women's championship tournament will be played this week Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Westmoreland Country Arranges Bridge club, the women's golf committec headed by Mrs. J. Frank Grimes of Evanstoîî announices. Sixteen. play- ers will qualify in vach of threc classes, A. B, and C. This year the thecy establishing a trust ftrn<l, thei interest from which will be uised , for thïs purpose. These donors will antomatically become miembers of a ncw Opera club and will be perniittcd to attend the comipany's dress rehearsais. Announcemnent was mnade also of. plans of the Winnetka conimittce to establishi an opera scholarship. Menn, whose naine is '%%cll -Olga, Laeh.. Mrs.iillen Storn, 1514 Fore st avenue, js vacationing at. Rice lake, Wis.; forseveral weeks. ,,csday, August 26,. af the Dunt Wl oods Riding Club in Waylle. ... *. a iniLu r vy, n e riiii onv o, nithirt v lhomu. aà 'Nrs. of 730 M rs. John O'Coiunor., 149 KenilA. L. on ave-~ %wôrth avenue, Kenilworth, and ber daughter, Mart.ha, just returned fromn a motor trip east where they visited. Mrs. G eorge 'Richards of Oldfield, L-ong Islan d, forMenl.y of Kenilwvorth.

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