E OUR the suburban area with the exception ot' the sale of vacant property. Inqùiry has continued to be. very active tQ date this mnonth and'we are looking for'a. very substanial, increase in sales for the tnonth of August. The sale of vacant property seîns to, he steadily increasing and, we, believe that the building of new homnes this taIl will, show a marked increase in activity as cornpared with, this time ayear ago. Recent TrasationS Recent north shore transactions ini- AID VER TISER S h LE R.THATACUALLY SAES. MONEY FIROM LAST SIEASON? -MY'UR NEW CRANE BOULER CERTAIN .LY ML.L, MI U.VL LUT >UKE Il SAVEtUS MONEY- Charles C. *Hall sold the six room house at, 1242 Isabeila street,,Wilrnette, tg Ed.ward, J.: Horeja. Baird and Warner, representéd by.A. K. Smnith of the Evanston office, were the only brokers. 1E4ias M. Caler soldthe 12-roiorn rest- IT'S ACTUALiLV GoUNO ~PAY FOR ULF! WCK TrHINGWERIED TU4ATiifg MATCH TEST i ITUT FNRESE CE UN"SR FACE TS:MORE IHEAT mmU COAI. OR SIL. Place the palmof your hand bes4ide th demice at 842 Tower road. Huhbard Woods, near the lake, to L. T. WVallace. Blaird and Warner, represented hy John Newhall of the Winnetka office, cooperating with E. Sawyer. wüe the Buys Winn.tka Property Floyd W. .Brodabi purchased the property at 1076 Pine street, Winnietka. Biaird and Warner, represented by Ruth I.. Cronk of their Winnetka office, co- flame of a lighted, match. lt's warm. Place thepahnof your hand ovevthe point of the- flame. It's HOT1! This excplains the amazing efficiency of Crane Boilers for the home., Il- represented oy William H-. Johnson, jr., brokers. Arthur Robertson sold the six rooîn residence at 510 Jackson avenue, Glen- of 'the Evanston office, were the only, Whicl, Kindf of Bolier Have You? An old boiler is like an old car. it gets 80 Coe, to J. L. Randolph. Baird and Warner, represented by A. K. Smith of the Evanston office were the only brokers. Legal details were handled by the tirn. of Winston, Strawn, and acting on behaif of the purchaser.. Miss Sylva llrich 140d the five ronni that it's eating its head off, needs something clone to it ail the time. Nobody can afford té be buying too much coal, any more than %hVw he can afford to be buying a quart WHATA DIFF'ERENCE -WHAT A SAVINO! You know how different the perfôrinance of a 1936 automobile is. comparedi with a 1930 model. age boiler. Patented baffles direct. water over hottest part of boiler. That is why the Crane is more economiceal-it gets moireheatoutof the fuel-coal, coke, oroil "«Just a few words of appreciation in connection with one of your bot water heating plants, which 1 recently had installed by the South Park Heatig than please Company. I amn more with my new boiler.' 1 C. M. CARBOUGH, Chicago, JIL ting unde been api selitative nk. As a resuit.' ýrojects are getSbank has just lh shore repre- IName.*d, Addess.. Brcjnches andl Sales OËffces in One Hundred and Sixty Citiis VALVES, PITTIt405. PABRICATEO PIPE, PUMPS, HEATINO AND PLUMSING MATERIAL .. . eral large noun'ced. Syndicate. Sevn boans arc an- . . . . . . . . .. . . . I a.0. Sf.. toe