Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1936, 16a

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1Wî Fourteen building permits of whicb teti were for reMnOdeling or alterarerentg a cost of tion jobs $6,343,.ivere issued in , Winnetka. during the.' moîith 'Of JUIY. There, was one permit for a new residence costor. private garages ing $27,0; tw valued at .$735, and zonie for a, toQI lîouse costing $250. The total for *temonth. was $34,328. TPhe pcermit, for -the, nelw rsdec %vas issuC( to E .. Braedwa3,. It is of stofle veneer constructiIli, witli hutlilt-in, twio-car garage, and is, loCated, at 414 Poplar street. The cost i Hoer G, Sailor, Chicago, $700 iS.the architect; -Murray Construction coîinpany. builders and VTie J. Killiati. Wýii.etka, lias the plunîbinig contract. Permits For Garages 'Hice twvo garage permnits -were is-, suied to WVilliam T; Schwall, 1050 Cherrv street; $450, and E. L. Pottcr. 265ý Poplar street,' $285. E. J. 595 Sheridan road, took, out Braceh, th li!permit for' the tool house, of whichi the estimiated cost is $250. tcii permits for alter-ation,, 'l'l tfoilowv . IIBe Opened The largest uindeveloped tract of land in Winnetka has been subdivided into spacious homesitesi safeThe bigest july in Wilxniette buildwith-careful restrictions, axid guarded Fourteen building -permits, for im-e ing since 1929 was ýrecorde.d last is heing placed on the market -as the mnth, William«A.:.-Wolff, .building, provem ents '.totaling $222,700 were Broadmeadow properties. commissioner,.announced this week.. issued in ýGlencoe during the moînthý The 16 acres. comprising the tract' A. total of. $145,300 ini permits was of July.. Five were for new resino rthof Hill road and east of lies aifor seven granted,.. as, compared i îth.$55,375 a dences costing $212,500; roai, *adjacent to 'the high Hlibbard private a. for one .$9,650; year ago, and $113,856 in june of this terations, $300;, and one -for a. barn,. grade development on the south side yer.garage, Hill road, known as the W-Moodley, Permnits granted ini the vilg snecsting. $2E0. The latter is beinig ofLI road. section.. Dundee -on .Beinlich, built by Hugo July 1 are as foilows: There,-are forty lots.in the BroadJuly 7-Robert Fïerguson,, 1704 wii- road. mette avenue,, -single ,fàmily re sidence. i One 'of the early July ýpermits was meadow properties,l ranging in, sîze residence which Architeet, Louis Ga,rvey. Masomi. Federal for the new $15,0 w from 110 by 200 feet, to 167 by ý193 Builders. $9'000. July 7 - Peter, A. Mortensen,, 1936 HarËris Peaàrîstein is building at .455 feet. Tarvia paved streets, patternied Ur'ieeimwod--aveflue,,slingle family resi- Sheridan road. . The architects are after the streets in the Woodley iroad lence. ArchitecçCýe P. Ransom. Mason,j Pereira & Pereira, 333 North. Michisubdivision, will feature thenewdeSteel Hpusilng corporation. ý$9,400. gan avenue, Chicago.. JuIyr 7-J. P. and J. W..O'Connor, Stanton Meyýer is building.a new, velopment. vnue, single faàmilY 211 echod Ail seweis, water, paving, elecresidènce. Architeet, F. C. Hinkley. two-story brick veneer residence, at gas and telephone now being tricity, 36 Hawthorn avenue, at a cost of iis1tàledp, *11 bie paid for by the d~Jily 14-Lucg4nda .Uardinan, 407 iaple' $16,000. Jonets, C. L. and Braun T. W. ,ivenue, residenee alterations. Plumber, 36) North Michigan avenue, Chicago, veloping syndicate, it is announced, F. Nelson. $750. J.uly 15-C. A. Hemphill, single family are the architects, and Nels Wagstad, and wor~k on the first house to be. 't.-idence at 819 Michigan avenue, stone erected in the new sub-division will contractor. \veneer and framne. Clarence H. Freund, Chicago, is the general started within two weeks. be two-story a Carl Evans is building uwner. R. F. Houlihqn, architect. A. J. framie-house at 592 Woodlawn avenue, . Chester, plumber. $22,000. Applications are now on file with .Tuly- 15-Paul F. Gaus Construction & the syndicate for eleven of the lots Wheeler Perkins, $14500.' çost'11g brick residence, famlly single ,2ýompaiiy, Michigan avenue, which range in the starting prices veneer and franie, 2113 Kenilworth ave- XVill, 333 North architects; D. Ba- f rom $5,500 upward, with increases nue. Walter E. Kolbe, owner. Ivan.R. Chicago, are the Pleterson, architeet. Glenview Plurnbing ruffi, Highwood, bas the carpenter to be made in the scale as the -develý-dnp.tny, plunibers. $11,000. Vic. J. opment progresses. 'Sales are con.îi,îv 17-Adelinp Wiemners, residenti'i ý nd inasonry contract,~ and Keacfes ~SweIl $2229700 i» Glencoe July Total, to - \V: H. Rotherinel, 1318 Asbury ave-, file. $60D; E. 0. McNair. jr., 205 Wý,oodla%%,i avenue, $300; P. H. .Holliday. 293Rde avenuec, $500; George E.'.Oison, 988 Oak street, $200; Dr. Ge'orge F. Mumins, 1357 EdIgewood Ilie.,$1,000: H. Kirke, Becker, 368 ilildler lane, $2,500. itWell Augui s of Ai 'l'lie first of six, Ken-ilworth Permit CaiI1s coiitractors. The fifth for $21,OOO Residence! taken out by one building permit was issued in! Kenilworth during the month of july. It was for a new two story brick residence. and atached two-car garage which Edward G. Bremner is building at 3C9 Sterling road. The estiate cot of. the improvement conpaiyofOak, Park, are general bnaw and Xicharu EHart. Active selling of the property is residence permit was under the direction of Mr. Shaw and Paul Gougleman, who is Mr. Hart, whose offices are at 135 building a two-story frame dwelling .South La Salle street. M.r. Hart is 88) Sheridan road, costing $13.500.1 manager of the Woodley road develM. F. Stranchi, 4545 Barry avenue. opment. Chicago, is the architect and T. J. ýBroaduleadow properties have a Pawlias, 5544 Pensacola avenue, Chi- frontage of 1,320 feet on Hill road cago. general contractor. S. L. Wer- a~nd 880 feet on Hibbard road. The skul & Co., Chicago, have the mna- bridge, 1111 Oak street, $30; N. Il. Wilmette ................. Winnetka ..... ............... A permit for a two-car private Glencoe...................... garage, tosting $500, was issued to . j.M. Barclay, 182 Fuller lane. Blatchford, Jr., 3 Kent road, $250. .... Kenîîworýth....................... ... $558,806 264,450 14,092 313,150 $1,750,498 are avalilable here" 842332,values

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