Ic. 1BROS., MUSTJIAN Jobbus FI..r Cwus Cou&fatad Odeefl Rp, C.rp.h, Unoleum. Expert CI..ng. Ropolriuig, Laying WIL 5050s51 maist, Wimetf.Urb. 5050 I.M. The WlIoe#e or. n mance. ibk y wMr. a- 417 UindenAvenuel 576 ncon Avenue l/? 898 Witmeffe of ". SBOKEAN Witt FURRIERS, Inc. Wneka22 of ilm St. lc&nrh e Picture o! ESTABLIS1D12 C HRYSLERPLYMOUTHI Pictiire of Telephofle sumbers Go Here Service PAVLUK BROS.ýý Qualuty MACHINE SHOP AUTO PARTS 00.Hert Espcialyequipped for Engine ODperations FACTORY 019TRIBUTORS O0FSELECTED Promp>t, Courteous, Efficient Service Wtot.r 1.Nelson, mnc. 721 MaiSt., Wflmaffte Equipped for Electrie ARC, Spot and Gas Welding We do ail clames of work 2 portable outfits Licensed by the G-ov. for work on Licensed Aircraft Motors under Dept. of Coin. Ne~. 7424 * WELDING SHOP TelphneWiImette 2600 Green Bay Rod Kenil ilworth Picture of tel! yôu abo 5~ QoaHere to many destinations permit a choice .of router. going. and retutnirg, without extra coat. Choose From These Vacation Regiors SUTH DKT v ai -AI 11ILLSOF t tra.Lviylu C. W.TURNSU Goea FHere (Rogularly 60e quart) lh 1 PEAC-OCK *S TIW1OIL W-ELL me-0, 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS Mais St reet ai U.ds.' Avemûe -I sireel h..Wlwu.fet3334