r îrst rresbyterian church- of Vilmette Stra fenoSeptember 19. at .3:é30 o'clock with the Rev. J. T.: 'Venékasen officiating. The. weddinîg 1 wili be.the first one tàking place ini the church's new chapel., Following the service, a rece1.ption: wvi1l be held in the garden of the home ýof 1the bridegroom'ls, parents, -Mr, and M rs. C. A. Keller. Immediately afterAt o ward's the bride- and bridegroom ouncement is Made. of, the will1 leav'e to spend several weeks in n1orthÛN>roG(,*hiâg,Marriat7e Of Miss Virerti Wisconsingii r.ai*,rene Barton of! Grand Mifss Barton will be attended by i Rp anid Chicago to Char.les Ar-, Miss' Betty Norton of Chicago as tî< mâid of honor., Harry A. Warden- j che, J., ! Wlrntte, on burg, also of. Chicago, will ac-~ est: Saturdai ySePýtepber 19. mani. miss Barton is a graduate, of: South High school and- attencled, Northwestern University and the Chi- Return1 to Californfti caoCnevtoyo ui.Siýe la spending several weeks in Grand Mrs. G. W. Brewster, who visited Rapids where her many friends are ber brotlther-in-law and sister, Mr. entertaining her and ber mother. and Mrs. ;Edwin J. Clampitt of 908 Mr. Keller is a graduate of New Central ai Trier High school and attended ont Mondavenue for three months, left wjth her 'small daughter, Northwestern University and the for Fort1 lay Lauderdale, Fla., where they Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. He is will join1 Dr. Brewster to returti with trow connected with the International him to tl their. home at Watsonville, Travel Publications, Ltd. Calif. - Miss Harriett E. Fox, and Miss Eleanor Anderson. ,Serving Mr.' Fairbairti as best mani ivili be his brothe r, John; and ushering wil be: Peter Fairbairu, James Fairbairn, "Fowler Wàlton, and Feed Last Saturday Miss Fox entertainedl and1 miscellaneouls, shower at the South Shore 'Country club for Miss Walton and Tuesday evening Miss Jeanne Culvei, 103 Braw~,ga ve .a handkeichief 1 sbower. iv'ancine'i, imisrrances Aiilvortfl, Rogers.7 at a luncheon plus-four sports costume4 detachable colors for. eve»ing gÉowns, which may also be.worn around the face ýsphinx-like fashion . .,. a nd fabric bracelets en-. crusted with sequins or gold kids ... the harem trouser fouadation is: dLasplayed in black satin and posed under black tulle embroidered in: sequins .. . wide beits have embroidered edges, with narrow' straps and buckles in contrasting colora. Florersce M39Park1,,Aoe-e». Gis-. de ,e u gv atnerA N tt S r lullb n oacwu~~ue are~sVse.. ----------- I i Sports Dresses ... Afternoon Dresses. Evening Dresses. Two-Piece Suits ThreenPiece Suits . .. Sports Coats Y.) n 4 is outWilmétte 467